Brave Face

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"Hey Tory, the Miyagi-Do's and Eagle Fangs are back for training tmrw.
U coming? xx" 

                                            "Don't know. X"

"Okay babe, everyone would love it if you could come in. Chat more later? We're still on for tonight yeah? xxxx"
                                            "Of course ❤️ "

Tory slammed her phone down. Fuck. How could I have forgotten tommorow was the day of the new session? Had so much time passed already? She felt awful. She had promised Robby she'd make an effort to show up, even though she knew he understood, she felt guilty for not being able to keep to her word.

The young girl began to make herself some lunch. It was 4:33 and she hadn't had anything to eat. Her options were limited with her hand on what she could cook that required minimal movement. Since the dojo fight she has been trying to use her injured hand as much as possible to avoid it stiffening. She couldn't afford to lose strength in it, not with the tournament so close. Tory knew she had already lost enough weight over the past few weeks with the merciless combination of stress she had to deal with. But she had to pull through. She had to make the most of the cards she had been dealt. I can't mope. Not now. Not after all this. I'll pull through. I'll be fine.

Robby knew Tory felt hesitant about coming to Miyagi Do, and he didn't want to pressure her into it. But he knew something more was going on, something isn't right. Something Tory hasn't talked to him about, something deeper. Tory still hadn't confided in him about what happened to her hand, and he'd be okay with that if talking about it would just dredge up negative feelings. But that wasn't it. He could feel when talking to Tory that something was off, she was suppressing her emotions, her pain, so he couldn't see it. And Robby knows better than anyone what a slippery slope that is.

The boy heard a knock at the door, and rushed to go answer, hoping it'd be Tory.
Miguel raised a box of beer infront of him, "A little, re-opening celebration?" Sam giggled from behind him and slapped his arm for such a corny line.
Robby gave a polite smile and opened the door for the formal rivals to enter.

"Guessing you won't be wanting any of my dads expired orange juice. Or meat on the side?" Robby said sarcastically as Sam opened the fridge.
"Eugh!" She closed the door in disgust and gave a repulsed eye roll.

"Oh come on. Johnny's not that bad. I practically lived with him when we trained for the first All Valley."
"Yeah. I would've took some bad juice in exchange for no milk or electricity." Robby remarked which led to a awkward silence for a moment.

"Yeah? Why don't you make up for some lost time then?" Sam cackled as she waved the juice infront of Robby before taking a seat. He then chuckled "Okay wise ass. Well, it certainly wasn't a problem in the LaRusso house."
Sam smiled "No. No it wasn't." the two sat in silence for a moment reminiscing of what it was like to be under the same roof. Dating. Robby laughed out loud. He couldn't imagine it. Not being with Tory. He'd done it once, and he sure as hell knew he didn't want to do it again.

It was almost as if Robby's thoughts were read when Miguel began to speak of her. "So, can we be expecting Tory tommorow for training?" Sam began to fiddle with her beer, not sure what was appropriate to say whilst her arch nemesis was in conversation.

"I'm not sure. She's been going through a lot. I don't know if she's ready for that." Robby said, making it known to the couple that Tory was struggling, and a warning to Sam not to mess with her.
"Her mom huh? That sucks man."

"Yeah. Her bitch of a aunt is trying to worm her way in. As Tory's mom has gotten sicker she's been trying to sink her teeth into any money that's came through. She's a con woman, she just needs funding for another scam. Tory and Brandon need that money and it's worrying her sick what'll happen if her auntie Candace gets it."

Sam let out a audible gasp. "Oh my God. I-I had no idea it was so bad."
"Tory doesn't like to complain. Or ask for help. But help has never been there for her, it's no surprise she's not used to taking something that's never been available. I just wish she could let me in and talk to me. She's not okay."

"Tory's a tough girl. She'll pull through."
"With support." Sam added, and gave Robby a nod. Even though her and Tory were worlds apart, she knew how hard the situation at home must be on her. She wouldn't know what to do without her mom and dad.
"She's got it everywhere. We're all on her side. If she ever needs any.. injuries.. looked at, my mom's a nurse."

Robby knew what Miguel was referring to. Everyone had been tip toeing around talking about her hand, nobody wanted to upset her.
"I think it's probably too late man. Her hand is on the mend, whether or not it's healed correctly is debatable. Tory doesn't like hospitals. Bad memories and all."

"It's understandable Robby." Sam said caringly. "And .. my parents too. My mom has helped Tory in the past. Anything we can do let us know."
Robby gave a grateful smile to the two. He wished Tory could know how cared about she is.

She's not alone.

It's been a while since I last published on here, but with all the new Cobra Kai content coming out for S6 I couldn't help but come back to get some ideas out. Heres hoping for Keenry content to be on the rise throughout July for Part 1 ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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