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After a couple of days of breakfasts in bed, making love all night and day and lazy days by the pool. Jin and I head back to Seoul and to my new home. While we were on our honeymoon our marriage was deemed official and I am now Kim Jungkook. Hoseok had all my documents changed over to reflect my new name and Jin instructed him to put me on his bank accounts. "Jin I don't want your money, I just want you", I tell him when he hands me a bank card with my new name on it. "You have me baby, and everything I own", he says pulling me into his arms and kissing me breathless. 

Jin unlocks the door and ushers me inside. I stop and look around the huge apartment in awe, "it's beautiful." "It's ours and I think I need some more color don't you, maybe some paintings on the wall", he says kissing my ear. "You want me to paint for you", I ask. He turns me so that I am looking at him, "of course I want you to paint, it's what you love and if you love it, so do I." Tears spring to my eyes, "you are too good to me." He winks, taking my hand and leading me to a door down the hall from the living room. "Open it", he says. 

I turn the knob slowly, wondering if my husband is some sex freak who likes to dominate his men in a red room. Maybe I've seen 50 shades too many times. But when the door opens, the light over head automatically comes on. In front of me are 4 or 5 easels, shelves full of paints and assorted brushes. Tears come to my eyes and when I turn to look at him, he wraps his arms around me. "If I forgot anything, we can get it. Anything you need", he says kissing my forehead. "Jin, I cant believe this, this is for me", I ask on the verge of breaking.

"Yes love, it's all yours. You paint anytime you want", Jin says. I throw myself at him, attacking his mouth. He holds me tightly, laughing into the kiss. "Why, why are you like this", I ask. "Like what", he asks chuckling. "Wonderful, amazing, gorgeous", I say. "Well gorgeous isn't my fault, I have good genes, but the others, I don't know, I can't help it when I'm with you", he explains. "Can I", I say pointing into the room. "Yes, please. I will be in my office, come get me when you are done and we will grab dinner", he says grabbing my chin and kissing me. "I love you so much, Sir", I say. "I love you too, boy", he says kissing me again.


Knowing my boy is happy and safe makes me happy. I feel like I haven't been this happy in a long time, till now. Having Jungkook in my life, being able to protect him, and love him is a dream come true. When Yoongi answers his phone, "any movement." "Yes actually, he hired a private investigator to track Jungkook down. He wants to come talk to you to find out Jungkook's whereabouts. I told him you'd meet him tomorrow in your office", Yoongi informs me. "Great, I have no problem talking to him", I say.

"Robert is telling everyone that Jungkook was kidnapped, and he wants his beloved fiancé back", Yoongi says laughing. I roll my eyes, "that will never happen." "Be here tomorrow by noon. I'll see you then", Yoongi says before hanging up. Going over some contracts for Hoseok and making a few phone calls, my stomach growls. Looking at the clock it's been over 4 hours since I left Jungkook in his studio. Locking up the contracts in my safe, I head make my way to Jungkook's room. 

Slowly opening the door, I see him standing at an easel. Paint on his face and his smock, he looks adorable. When he sees me, his eyes widen, "Jin stay there, please." He looks around panicked until he finds a cloth, covering the painting he was staring at. I eye him playfully, "what are you hiding boy." "N-nothing Sir", he says looking at his feet. I raise his head up to look at me, "it's okay baby, I am only teasing you. You never have to be afraid of me, you know that right." He nods, smiling. "Good", I say kissing his forehead. "Let's eat I am starving", I say taking his hand.

The next morning, I wake with Jungkook in my arms. His body wrapped around mine. I think we slept like this all night. I stare at his beautiful face, in awe of how lucky I truly am. I can't keep my eyes off that adorable beauty mark under his bottom lip, so I lean in and kiss it, making him giggle. "Good morning boy", I tease. "Good morning, Sir", he says sleepily. "Did you sleep well", I ask. He nods shyly. "Take a shower with me", I say nuzzling into his neck. The water is hot as I pick him up under the thighs and wrap  his legs around my waist. Sliding into him, I press him to the wall and fuck him senseless.

"We are going to my office today", I tell him. "You want to take me with you", he asks nervously. I cup his face between my hands, "calm down baby, you won't be around anyone but Hoseok, Yoongi and I. Can you handle that." He nods, "yes." "Jungkook, I will never take you into large crowds or busy places, okay", I ask him. "Thank you Sir. I love you so much for protecting me. Robert used to force me to take him shopping at the mall or downtown, he didn't care that I was uncomfortable or scared", he explains. 

I lift his head so that he is looking at me. "I am not Robert, I am your husband, your Sir. Nothing will ever hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable again", I tell him. He buries his head into my chest. "let's finish breakfast baby, the car will be here soon." "We are on the way, we will take the back elevator up", I tell Hoseok over the phone. "Yao, pull into the garage and take us to the private elevator please", I tell my driver. "Yes Sir Mr. Kim", he says. 

When we arrive upstairs, Yoongi and Hoseok are waiting in my office. "Good Morning Hoseok Hyung, Yoongi Hyung", Jungkook says. "Good Morning Kook, how was your first night in your new home", Hoseok asks. "Amazing, I have never been so happy", he says wrapping his arm around me. "The detective should be here in about 15 minutes", Yoongi says. "Detective", Jungkook asks confused. 

"Baby, Robert hired a detective, he thinks you were kidnapped and wants me investigated", I explain to him. "But, why", I notice him start to panic. "Boy, breathe, its okay. No one is going to hurt you", I tell him in a stern voice. He swallows hard and nods, "yes Sir." "Robert is coming with him", Yoongi says. That's when I notice Jungkook turn white as a ghost. 

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