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Kai's POV-
I can't believe Nico did that in front of...Everyone!

I ran to 4th period which is let's see..P.E great physical education just amazing!Yayyyy!As you can see I do NOT like PE for many reasons

1.The Uniforms
2.The UGLY boys
3.The Bullying!!
4.The Teachers are ugly

That's not all but there my top four reasons.I saw two big doors with the word Gymnasium on top.I walked in and found the locker room.
My locker number is....023
I found it!I took out my Uniform and changed before anyone else was here I was 10 minutes early.I put on deodorant then put it in my locker.

I sat down on one of the benches there waiting for class to start when I hear the door open I see The handsome boy I saw earlier in 3rd Period.

"hey,Kai right?"He said
I nodded "My name is Jack-"
"Jackson,Rodriguez"I said I suddenly felt embarrassment clime closer to my mind I sounded like a creep!
"hey are you alright I saw what happened"He said calmly "Yeah,But Nico shouldn't have taken my phone and also there where so many people were there and I couldn't deal with it"I said "It's okay"He said He went to go change and then boys started to fill the locker room.I looked down I wasn't in the mood but I heard people talking about what had happened.

I felt like I was gonna have a Panic Attack.

Time skip!!!!

It was the beginning of class and guess what we were playing BASKETBALL!Like I know how to play that!!I was aloud to stay by the sides and watch.I was only watching Jackson though the way he played was just so Sexy...Gosh I should stop with theses weird things it's my first day!!

I noticed a girl with a long Ponytail walk over "Hey I'm Melody Rodriguez,Jackson's sister!"She spoke "Oh your the one watching Amber!"I said I saw her blush a bit "What she's Hot"She said not ashamed "Wow another Lesbian"I spoke "No actually I'm Pans and She/her\They/Them"She answered "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know"I said a little panicked "It's okay you wouldn't have known is it okay if you use they/Them right now?"They said trying to calm me down. "of Course" I answered

We spoke for the rest of the class I told them a lot about Amber and other things about me like my sexuality and stuff.
They are definitely one of my friends!

Melody's POV-
I walked over to the new kid from earlier,and introduced myself.

We talked and I found out a lot about him and Amber!

I really think we're going to be GREAT Friends! I mean the gays tend to make good friends!

Jackson's POV-
I got to the locker room and saw Kai again he was looking at his phone and then looked up.

"hey,Kai right?"I said he just nodded
"My name is Jack-"he cut me off
"Jackson,Rodriguez"Hm he know my name but yet again Ms.Spenser told him my name so he could sit next to me. "Hey are you alright I saw what happened."I said he answered me and then I went to got change.When I came back the locker room was really full I couldn't even find Kai.Well I guess it's time for Class.

When class started I saw Kai go up to Mr.Hamilton and ask something  but I had to play the game so I couldn't see if he was alright.

Why was I so worried about the new kid?Do I like him? But he's the new kid!How could I like the new kid!?I should get back to the game!Ughhh but I can't get his smile out of my mind and his different colored eyes....So pretty his Cotten candy hair. OK I'm sure I like him ,Right?I mean I find him attractive and cute.

Does that mean I like him?I should I ask Melody.I wonder does she feel like They/Them right now?Man My ADHD is making me get off track.

——Time Skip✨✨✨

Jackson's POV-

We took soon a break from the game and so I got my water bottle and sat down while chugging it down.I found Kai talking with Melody it looked like they had a interesting conversation.I wanted to go over there but something was stopping me.I just stared at Kai until Alex came over and talked to me "Looks like your crushing on the new kid!"He said "Ey,At least I don't have a crush on the captain!" I said "Come on he's really hot"He said we kept talking and I eventually got him to go and ask William out.I saw them get really red and Alex came and sat next to me again. "What did he say?" I asked "He said that he felt the same way and agreed to go out!" He said.We talked more until we had to get back to the game.

Man I just can't think of anything else except for Kai.I wonder why?

Hey guys how did you like this chapter?!I am gonna give the next chapter a huge time skip like it's gonna be a few months later and Jackson and Kai talks like almost every day and Nico and Kai still talk though.

Word count:917

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