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tw: injury, fall from hight


31st October 1993

PROFESSORS rushed every house into the Great Hall, where Dumbledore explained next step of searching the castle and informed them about staying the night in the Hall. Before he left, he conjured hundreds of purple sleeping bags and pushed the long wooden tables to the edges of the room.

Students chose their place to sleep and started to discuss how could Sirius Black enter the castle without being seen. Y/N with her friends found the furthest corner they could and sat down. Angelina, Katie and Alicia went to her left, while Fred, George and Lee to her right. To Y/H/C haired girl's surprise, the sleeping bags were quite comfortable and warm, almost as good as Hogwarts beds.

"So, how you think he got in, guys?" asked Lee, glancing at each teenager in their group. "Maybe he can be invisible," suggested Katie, who was tighly snugled in her sleeping bag. Alicia shook her head and opposed, "The dementos would feel him, maybe he apparated."

"You cannot apparate inside or outside Hogwarts, there are protective charms against it," dissagreed Y/E/C eyed girl as she hugged her knees for more heat, "I think he's animagus, no one would think anything about wandering animal here," she said her theory, staring on the cobbled floor beneath them. Her friends were suprised no one thought of it and agreed with her. They couldn't discuss more, because Percy shouted, "The lights are going out now! I want everyone in their sleeping bags and no more talking!" causing everybody to lay down.

"Good night to you too, Percy," whispered Fred sarcastically as all the floating candles died out, mesmerizing stars and galaxies appearing instead. Y/N giggled at boy's remark, pinning her tired eyes on magical view above them. Purple, yellow and blue hues swirled through the nigh sky, silver stars shinning like a millions of beacons, their reflection sparkling in her Y/E/C irises.

"This is so beautiful," she let out in silent voice, not moving away from the scenery. "Yeah, it is," agreed the ginger haired boy on her right, however he wasn't paying attention to the ceiling, his honey brown eyes were carefully watching the girl next to him. The awe in her expresion and her soft features lit by the night sky were something he could watch all the time.

When (short/long) haired girl felt his sight on her, she turned on the side, so she could gaze at him too. His soft lips tucked into weak smile, as he put one of his hands under his messy hair, the other hand lazily laying on the cold floor between them. Starlight highlighted his sculpted face, his freckles still evident in dim light; to Y/N it seemed as if the stars from the ceiling transfered to his skin.

Both of them stared at each other without words, each one being in their own head. The girl thought about the conversation she shared with Angelina earlier, questions running through her mind. The fifth year started to feel a little anxious, so she grabbed first thing near her — Fred's hand, and started fidgeting with his long fingers. Boy's cheek flushed in deepest shade of red, feeling hot sparks shot down his spine at her touch.

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