Chapter 4: Climax

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"Kazuya, stop!" I yelled, "You'll hurt yourself AND the Spiritomb!"

Kazuya didn't seem to hear me. I could only get up and try to battle with Gengar from a distance. But Kazuya seemed determined to return that Spirit Orb to the Spritomb. Though, he would be interrupted by being grabbed by the Spiritomb and being launched into the air—with the Spirit Orb being launched as well.

"I may not be able to fight him conventionally," Kazuya yelled, "But if there is a chance, all I need are some Pokemon moves, right?!"

"Don't do it..." I said, quietly, until I saw the Spirit Orb heading for his mouth, "Don't do it!!

He suddenly swallowed it, this was really bad! The mission wasn't supposed to happen like this! We were just supposed to take care of the situation and get out... but this went way too overboard!

Suddenly, a huge gust of wind coming from all directions coming from Kazuya! He had made the Spiritomb faint... but he wasn't himself.


"What a beautiful moonlight! It's been years since I've woken up... The people... so many more people in this new age!! It will be a massacre!!"

"Hey, who are you?"

"I know your voice... you're related to me."

"I am?"

"Kazuya Takahashi—thats your name, isn't it?"

"'re Shamio Tsushima, aren't you?"

It felt hard trying to suppress and control him—he is my ancestor whos been dead for hundreds if not thousands of years, of course he'd try and take over my body by force. I looked at Ash.

"Gengar, get ready!" He shouted.


This was really bad... now there were TWO people inside ONE body!

"Gengar! Get ready!" I yelled. Gengar was ready to battle.

"Uh, yo," Kazuya said, "I'm back to normal, by the way."

Gengar backed off. "Are you alright, at least?" I asked.

"I should be," he replied, "He's just an annoying voice in my head, though. I can't really get him to be quiet. You know," he then said, "My father used to tell me stories about Shamio, he says he was half-Marshadow. Let me try this..." He attempted to summoned what I think was a Shadow Ball, but he couldn't. "Darn."

"Well," I replied, "If you're okay, we're all okay." I looked at the two students, they seemed to have calmed down.

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