First Encounter

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Naruto Uzumaki, currently fifteen, is entering high school for the first time. His life up to this point hasn't been an easy one. Growing up, the blonde didn't have too many friends, for a reason unknown to Naruto, he was always the outcast.

He didn't really know his parents. Abandoning him with his maternal grandparents at a young age, the blonde felt unwanted. His grandparents, though caring for him financially, they treated him as a burden. He was constantly berated and put down. As he grew, the lively and animated blonde became timid and quiet.

As high school approached, Naruto made a mental note to try and break out of his shell, becoming his former self, the one who spoke his mind and knew how to be happy.

The first day came and Naruto hopped onto the bus, looking around at all the familiar but unfriendly faces. Though no one outright bullied the blonde, no one was welcoming either. With a sigh, Naruto found an empty seat in the middle of the bus. He scooted close to the window and kept his gaze out the window, watching the scenery pass as they made their way to the high school.

The bus pulled up in front of the high school and Naruto stepped off, staring at the building in awe. His elementary and middle school were never this big. He suddenly felt nervous. Would he be able to make it to his classes on time? He shook his head, brushing off the nerves and taking his first step towards the building.

Finding his home room was surprisingly easy. Once he figured out that hallways were based off of the subject. His home room was located in the English wing. He took a seat in the front corner and waited for class to begin.

Once the first bell rang, the home room teacher began to explain the in's and out's of the school and what they would expect the next four years. Naruto chose to use this time to doodle on his notebook, hoping to pass the time quickly.

The bell rang for class to end, and Naruto made his way to his next class. The day seemed to drag on with first day information that Naruto couldn't care less about. Finally, it was lunchtime and the blonde made his way to the cafeteria.

As he walked down the hallway, he happened to glance up and his eyes widened. Walking towards him was a tall, pale, dark-haired teen. His eyes were a dark onyx, and he held an aura of poise and grace. Naruto kept his eyes on him, watching him pass, his ponytail swaying elegantly behind him.

He was suddenly thrown out of his gaping when a body collided into his.

"Watch where you're going, dipshit." Naruto threw a glare towards whoever ran into him, but no one was turned to him. He let out an angry huff before turning to look back down the hallway where the older Adonis walked down. Disappointed, he made his way to the cafeteria and grabbed a seat.

The day passed by uneventfully and Naruto was soon on the bus waiting for it to leave. He looked out the window and watched the students walk pass, some stopping to talk to each other.

Suddenly, he spotted the student from earlier, and he sat up in his seat watching him. The older teen stood with a group of other teens who seemed to be laughing and talking amongst themselves, though he looked bored.

Without a second thought, Naruto stepped off the bus and made his way towards the group of teens.

"What am I doing?" Naruto said out loud to himself, stopping before he reached the group. His eyes briefly met with onyx, and he felt a blush creep on his cheeks. He quickly turned and headed back to the bus, watching as the group dispersed. He watched the raven haired teen until he disappeared from his sight. He let out a sigh and kept his gaze on the window as the bus began to drive away.

The next day before homeroom, Naruto found himself at his locker, organizing the books into what he needed for the first couple periods before lunch. As he closed his locker, he spotted the raven from yesterday. He took in a deep breath before waving at him. "Hey."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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