friendship bracelets

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Taylor's pov
     Just another concert to sing at. Yay. I wanna give my fans the show that they deserve, which is easy the first few songs, until lover. It's always hard to perform love songs live after the breakup but I have to. For the fans. But it's never been like this. "My hearts been borrowed and yours has been blue. All's well to end well to end up with you.. " I sing as tears stream down my face. I've toured through a breakup, why is this different? Why can't I keep someone? I broke up with joe after he cheated in me with some Emma, but that was truly the last straw.
     When we get to champagne problems, it hurts. It hurts to sing songs we've wrote together. I'm mad as hell at him. For everything, I'm sure you can hear it in my voice. Just another ex love he doesn't want to see.
I continue the show, and perform my surprise songs, never grow up, and when Emma falls in love.
The fans are all so excited like they had the time of their lives.
Travis pov
     I've been enjoying the show and exchanging bracelets with fans, but I need to give Taylor the bracelet with my phone number on it. I go up to the security and ask if I can give it to her.
     "No, we don't accept guests after the show without a prearranged agreement" he says. I notice her mom in the vip tent and introduce myself.
     " Hi, I'm Travis Kelce, a football player and I was wondering if you could give this to Taylor. It has my phone number.," I say.
     "I can try, but my biggest concern is safety. Have a good rest of your night!" She says politely.
     "Thank you, you too!"
     I leave the concert with high hopes that her mom gives her my bracelet. The show was absolutely incredible. It amazes me how many people came to this night alone, just to support one person. Football fans are crazy, but not to this extent, and for a team, not one person.
On my podcast I talk about how my bracelet attempt went, but how good the show was. I have had a crush on Taylor since her 1989 era. I mean, I knew who she was since Fearless, but 1989 made her truly special. Now that she's single, I need to make my move.

Taylor's pov
     After the show, my mom goes up to me and gives me a friendship bracelet with a phone number on it.
     "It's from some football player," she says.
     I nod my head to say ok.
      I've been debating on whether to call this football player who gave me his number on a bracelet. I looked him up, he's good looking, especially his smile. He could be a creep tho or leak my number to the public. But then again, he's so creative. This is much nicer than the same old buying me a drink, or giving me a number at an award show. I decide to call tree to see what her opinion is.
      "Hey tree!" I say when she picks up. " So some football player gave my mom a bracelet to give to me with his number on it. Do you think it's a good idea?"
     "Do you think he is safe?" Tree asks
     "Yep, overall, the bracelet idea was really cute," I reply honestly.
     "Then I think it's entirely up to you,"
      "Ok, thanks!"
     I decide to call Selena for advice, and she gives a similar response, just asking if I'm over joe first, which I am. It still hurts, but I am.
     I call him, and on the first try, he picks up.
     "Hello, I'm Taylor," I say anxiously " I think it's a really creative idea to give me the bracelet."
     "Oh wow uh..." He stumbles on his words, which I see as a sign of excitement and nervousness, which I don't blame. "I really wasn't expecting you to call..." The conversation starts to flow naturally, and he invites me to a restaurant in Kansas City.
     "Yea, I'll try to come around 5:30 if that works?" I say
     "5:30 sounds great!"
     We meet up at some Mexican restaurant in town, and we eat and talk, about shows, family, football, etc. But what made me really happy was that he is really close to his family, consisting of his brother, Jason and his wife Kylie and their kids, and his parents. I also love how he treats me like any other girl, not Taylor Swift.
     "How long are you in town for?" He asks
"I have a show in Denver on the 14th, so 4ish more days,"
     When it's time to leave, he covers for me, even though I can very much pay. On the way out, he hugs me, and I know that we have just met, but I feel safe in his arms. I kiss him on his cheek, and he smiles before saying bye.
I want to be with him more, before I leave Kansas City, so on the 11th, I decide to invite him to do something, to which he quickly responds to asking me to come to his place. I decide to do it, because I think he has a great personality and I really want to get to know him.

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