Chapter 1: Soulmates Kinda Suck

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Summary: Do you have a soulmate? Yes. Do you care to look for him? Nope.


Soulmates were supposed to be simple. They showed up one day, said something that happened to be written on your skin since the moment you were born, and then you'd get your happily ever after. The end. Roll credits...

Only it wasn't that simple. You had seen it yourself how people around you ended up with shitty soulmates. And you had no desire to subject yourself to the cruel idea that you had zero free will when it came to choosing the person who you were going to love. It wasn't fair, really. It's why you never bothered to wait for this person to show up.

Your boyfriend, Naksung Yoon, felt the same way as you did. Actually, it was how you two ended up together. Well, his cheesy pickup lines were what really reeled you in at first. Something about this usually grumpy looking guy blushing as he dropped one cringey pickup line after the other until he got your number was as endearing as it was corny.

You two connected back when you were a freshman in university and he was a returning student. It was some house party for some friend of a friend that you got invited to last minute. Naksung had been there, already drunk as he celebrated returning from his military service. He spotted you as soon as you walked in, and before you even had the chance to down your first drink, he was already hitting on you. You eventually conceded and gave him your number, thinking that the blushy bastard was actually kinda cute despite the fact that he came off as a bit of an asshole. He reached out the very next day and you two were on and off since then.

It helped that Naksung was a handsome asshole. Truly a walking and talking dick, but you loved him and his shitty little personality. It was your choice to be with him. You two were not soulmates. Not even close. But the bedroom chemistry was so good that you overlooked everything wrong with him and the relationship.

He had the same views as you did regarding soulmates. He didn't even like to look at his soul script that was across his hip. He never asked to see yours either. It wasn't long after you two started dating, that you realized you had fallen in love with him. At least, you thought you did, you weren't sure. You never said it, because a part of you was afraid that one day, you'd have to take it back. One day you'd come across the one who'd say the words on your wrist, and one day he'd find his soulmate. You dreaded the day he'd say it was really over. You two had broken up and gotten back together so many times, because at one point it became easier to just be with each other, even if it meant stewing in the same toxic bullshit.

You thought that the bright side was that you chose this, it wasn't forced on you. And it was an easy choice because you knew him. You knew all his flaws and you accepted them. And he did the same for you. But you knew that, despite Naksung saying how much he hated the idea of soulmates, he would cave the moment he met his. And then the fact that you two chose to be together wouldn't matter.

Your relationship was on borrowed time.

Despite this, you still agreed to move in with him after you finished school. He was a few years older than you, so he had already established himself in his career and was stable enough to settle down. You two looked for a nice apartment in the city, and you found a gem that just needed some decent furniture and a paint job to be the apartment of your dreams. It wasn't close to anything, but that was partially the reason why it was so affordable. Well, affordable when you combine your two salaries. And although you didn't earn nearly as much as he did, you absolutely refused to let him cover the deposit alone.

He didn't like that. Not one bit. And you had no clue why at first. You felt that it showed your willingness to commit by contributing financially, despite how you made almost nothing compared to him, but he would not hear your side. He felt emasculated by the idea that you wanted to contribute financially. He argued that it was his role, his job as a man to provide. What would his parents say if they knew he was making his girlfriend pay rent? You couldn't help thinking how did he expect to build a home with you when such a minute detail set him off?

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