All Things Have a Beginning

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"Who would've thought?", a mysterious figured inquired as they looked outside of their window to see three universes collapsing in on themselves. "It seems he failed to successfully show our guests the truth about their universe." the figure said as they pressed some buttons on a console to reshape his building. Before long, the building was, now that of an old school theatre.

"I believe, it's time to bring them in." they said to themselves as he pressed a very large red button. He waited a couple of minutes before they heard screams and saw a multitude of people crashing down into the front of the screen.

"uuh, what the hell happened?" a boy with spiky-blonde hair said as he looked around before one of his friends tapped his shoulder. "Bakugo, who's that?" one of his friends questioned as they saw the dark figure next to a weird looking computer.

 "Bakugo, who's that?" one of his friends questioned as they saw the dark figure next to a weird looking computer

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"I-I don't know. But, this fucker better provide some context to where we are." the blonde boy exclaimed as he got up, but was sat down on the ground by his teacher. "Stay here." the teacher told Bakugo, but loud enough where everyone heard him. As the teacher took a step forward, the figure took his hands out of his pockets.

"I'm not a threat, Shota Aizawa." the figure exclaimed as the teacher or Aizawa, was now confused about how this person knew his full name. Using his binding cloth, he tried wrapping the figure. But, they grabbed it and used it on him to wrap him in a burrito. "Well," the figure exclaimed towards the teacher, "Didn't expect that already." The figure, then put him on the ground as he looked towards the students.

"Now, if you could just all calm down. I can explain everything." they said as they got into their battle stances. But, as soon as they did that, they were frozen on the spot. Bakugo tried moving before the figure came forward and revealed their face to all of them.

 Bakugo tried moving before the figure came forward and revealed their face to all of them

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"My name is Caine. Caine Monk. I am, what you all might call a god or one of many who possess these powers." The man exclaimed as he unfroze them and unwrapped Aizawa. Aizawa looked at the man as he stepped closer to him. "Where exactly are we?" The homeless-looking man asked Caine. He answered the question by pressing another button on a remote he had and opened a nearby window

 He answered the question by pressing another button on a remote he had and opened a nearby window

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"We are nowhere and everywhere at once. Each star you are all seeing is a universe. Then, there is your own universe." as he pointed towards a very bright universe, just ahead of them. It was bright green with swirls around it and had many lines coming out of it. "What are the lines coming out of it?" a girl with pink hair and skin asked Caine. "Each line you see is a new universe that is getting ready to pop out." The man told her, everyone watched as some universes were very bright or very dim. Suddenly, a kid with bright green hair and eyes came forward. "But-But, why are we here?" the young teenager asked him.

"Well, we are here to see you. Izuku Midoriya." he expressed as he crouched down and put his hand on his shoulder. "Your universe revolves around one person and it is you." Izuku was a bit surprised at the thought of him being at the center of a major universe, but then Bakugo got next to him. "That can't be true! The damn nerd can barely handle the attention of the girls in this class! How is he the center of our own world?!" Caine looked at the pomeranian boy as he snapped his fingers, which sent another powerful shockwave across the room.

At first, nothing happened until they heard screaming again and saw a mattress materialize as more people fell onto it. One figure that Izuku recognized was his mother and mentor. He sprinted towards them as he helped his mother up. "Izuku, where are we?" his mother questioned as she got up and saw the man that seemingly spawned them there.

"You all have a lot of questions and I will answer them for you." Caine expressed as Toshinori went up to the man.

"Where are we?" Toshinori asked to Caine as he turned on the projector and it showed a picture of Izuku Midoriya on it. "This young man is a very important piece of your world. He is what makes your universe so important and holds it together." as he said these words, a figure stepped forward as Toshinori sneered at the man. "How can a little boy be this important?" All For One asked as Izuku and Toshinori looked at the man.

"Without him, these universes wouldn't have existed or have been created. He is, of the upmost importance to all of you. Izuku Midoriya hasn't done it yet, but he will have been proven to be the pinnacle of hero and human spirit. He will be remembered as the greatest hero to walk through your guy's history." Caine explained to the group of villains and heroes. Suddenly, a little hand was raised as Caine saw the hand. It little Eri, as she got closer to the god. "What is it little one?" the man got on one knee as Eri whispered in his ear. He nodded as spawned a candy apple into his hand. "There you go. Enjoy it, little one." Eri nodded as she made her way back to Mirio.

"Now, can you explain why we are in a movie theatre?" Ochako asked the man as he chuckled at them.

"Well, with one universe comes many. We are in a place where we can view the many universes that surround this little man right here." Caine said as he pointed at Izuku. "So, he could be in any universe that we could think of?" the r-rated hero asked the man. "Yes, he can. Many universes can be made up with a simple thought. All it takes is a simple motion to get it done." As he said that, many saw a new universe behind being created. It materializes from little sprites until it became small, but very bright.

"Woah!" the little green boy exclaimed as he saw the universe spinning and having swirls all around it. It flowed with energy as everyone saw it. Then, the projector clicked to a black screen as everyone was, then moved to their seats. "Now, what universe is first?"

Caine pressed a couple of buttons on his console before the screen showed a countdown before it flashed to a picture of Izuku with sunglasses on with other around him as the title popped up of the short popped up.

"Singer Izuku"

"We're gonna see him sing."

End of prologue.

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