Chapter N4-3E: Negotiation

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Date cautiously opens the door leading outside of Snack Bar Marble, using x-ray vision to confirm that there was no danger outside. As he steps out, he notices via x-ray that several of the men stationed start looking around.

Was there really no way to disable tracking?

"There appears to be substantial security on this A_WAVE. It will take some time for me to hack into it."

I see. Well, as long as I can get to my car, I should be fine. Besides. Even with tracking, it doesn't seem like they know my exact location.

"The average consumer-grade GPS can have an accuracy of about 5 to 10 meters. However, this is under ideal conditions. With all of these buildings, I estimate the accuracy to be anywhere between 10 and 20 meters."

So there's some leeway. Alright. I shouldn't stand here for too long.

Date keeps x-ray mode on while walking away from Marble. Aiba notices two of the men heading towards his general direction. Date notices them as well, having kept x-ray mode on. He turns a corner, avoiding both men entirely.

Tch. It'd be nice to blend in with a crowd. Why the hell's it so empty?

"Only a crazy person would drink this early in the morning."

Date turns a corner, hiding behind a wooden crate. One of the suspicious men passes by, stopping in front of the intersection where Date had turned. He does not turn and continues walking forward instead.

"Date. There are two more men stationed nearby. They do not appear to be moving. Perhaps we can get in close and eavesdrop on them."

Got it.

Date continues going through the path he had turned into. He stops before he reaches the next intersection, hiding behind more cardboard boxes.

"Are you sure the A_WAVE's moving?"

"Yeah. At first we thought it was just GPS drift, but now the signal's too far from that bar."

"But how? None of us saw the girl leave the bar."

"You think it was that guy with the overcoat?"

"Yeah, it's gotta be with him. Damn, we should've kept an eye on him."

"We got eyes all over the place. He ain't going anywhere."

We'll see about that.

Date stands up from behind the boxes to go back the way he came from, but stops himself as he notices another pair of men heading his way through his x-ray vision.

"Date. Bad news. X-ray mode is draining my battery at a faster rate than normal. I will have to disable it to conserve power."

That's fine. I know what to do from here.

Date moves towards the two men that he had just eavesdropped on. He grabs his Evolver and sneaks behind one of them. He hits him in the back of the head with the Evolver, knocking him out.

"Hey, what're you-"

Before the other man can call for backup, Date punches him in the gut, then uppercuts him, knocking him out as well.

"The suspect is on the move!"

Date turns and sees the other two men looking at him. One holds a radio while the other reaches for his gun.

"Date. Load a spherical round and aim at the clothesline up there."

Date loads a spherical round into his Evolver and aims at a clothesline hanging off one of the buildings. The man reaching for his gun looks upwards at what Date had shot at. Distracted by the shot, Date loads a second spherical round and fires it at his hand, knocking his gun out of his hand.

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