🍡MinMins Little (Minlix)

593 21 8

-Minlix (I know, you're so shocked rn)
-Little Felix
-Caregiver Minho
-Not proof read
-1230 words

I deleted my oneshot book on my other account cause an irl friend started following me on it... so ima repost some here. Keep in mind this oneshot is the very first one I wrote about a year or two ago so it won't be my best writing.

Minho has a crush on Felix...


Minho's pov

Minho woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing through out his room. Rolling over he noticed that his roommate Hyunjin was already up.

Groaning at the loud noise he rolled out of bed and turned off his alarm. Walking into the kitchen his nose was hit with the delicious smell of eggs cooking and the sight of his hyung and Felix standing over the stove.

He quietly made his way into the kitchen and walked up behind them. "Smells good. " He said with a happy hum.

Chan held back a laugh as Felix yelped and jumped turning around to face what had made his soul leave his body.

"Don't scare me like that MinMin! " He gasped with a hand on his chest. Minho just smirked satisfied with the look on the youngers face.

He walked back to the main room sitting down on the couch next to Seungmin to wait for his breakfast. All of a sudden a loud ringing was heard through out the dorm along with screams and shouts coming from the kitchen. He and Seungmin shot up at the noise instantly covering their ears.

Jeongin and Changbin came running out of their rooms the smell of smoke hiting their noses making them cough. As all this was happening Felix could be seen running up the hallway with tears in his eyes and his hands over his ears.

"What the hell is happening!?" Han was herd yelling as he and hyunjin came out of another room next to the kitchen.

Minho ignored everyone choosing to chase after Felix to see if he was okay. He run down the hallway stopping at Felix and Jeongins room. Quite sobs could be heard from inside. Minho knocked on the door and tried to open it. Luckily Felix had forgotten to lock it.

"Felix, are you okay" He slowly pushed open the door peaking in before fully walking into the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

Felix was sat on the floor leaning against his and Jeongin's bed. His knees were pulled to his chest with his arms wrapped around them in a hug. Minho's heart broke. Moving over to the younger he got down on the floor to be level with him.

"Go away, l- Lixie just wants to be alone." Felix was acting weird. Minho had never heard him refer to himself in 3rd person.

As you know Minho has a small... Okay a big crush on Felix. He told himself he was just being silly and it would go away soon, but here he was a few years later still in love with his best friend.

He moved closer to the blond putting one arm across his shoulders causing Felix to look up at him.

His eyes were red and puffy and his bottom lip was stuck out in a pout. If Minho didn't feel so bad for the other he would've found it cute.

"Felix tell me what happened" All he got in response was Felix shaking his head.

"Felix please" Minho begged.

"M' not Felix"

"What?" He looked in Felix's eyes and just found pure sadness which only made the older sad.

"Lixie said, m' not Felix" It took a bit but Minho understood. He had seen this type of behavior in an older friend that he no longer talks to. He should have seen the signs, it was obvious. The blankets the teddy bears, how he seemed more like the maknae then Jeongin did.

Felix was a little.

Minho let out a gasp. Quickly going over as much as he could remember about littles in his mind, he tried a new approach.

"Okay then, could Lixie tell MinMin what happened?" Felix seemed to reply more positively to this giving a small nod and looking back down.

"W-Well Lixie and Channie Hyung were making eggs, but Lixie wasn't focused and let the eggs burn." Minho rubbed soothing circles on the littles back urging him on.

"Then t-there was a loud noise and Channie s-started yelling at Lixie and Lixie g-got scared so Lixie ran."

"Channie Hyung yelled at you?" Minho wanted to make sure he was hearing him right. Felix nodded.

"Well how about you calm down, have a nap, and I'll go talk to Channie?" Felix nodded again.

Minho helped Felix get into bed picking up one of his teddys that had fallen by the side of the bed and handing it to the younger.

In an instant Felix was asleep. Minho started to walk out of the room before stopping. Quickly he turned around and placed a gentle kiss to the littles cheek before pulling the blankets up higher.

Minho left the room and stormed towards the kitchen.

"Christopher Bang!" He called walking into the kitchen and straight up to the older male. Instantly everyones eyes we're on the pear wondering what the fuss was about.

"What did I do?" Chan put his arms up in a joking manner.

"YOU, yelled at Felix!" Chan lowered his arms.

"I know, I just got scared when the alarm started going off and I didn't think probably."

"That's no excuse. You made the rule, 'do not yell at the maknae line', and you just broke it." Chan lowered his head in shame.

"I'm sorry" Minho crossed his arms. "You can say that to Felix when hes awake." Chan nodded and went back to making the new batch of eggs as Minho went to sit on the couch to wait for the little to wake up.

2 hours later

Felix POV

Felix woke up in his bed holding onto one if his teddys. He wanted Minho. He wasn't little anymore but he felt it, so he wrapped one if his favorite blankets around his shoulders and waddled into the main room.

He spotted Minho on the couch and walked over to him sitting down and getting comfortable in his lap. The others gave looks of confusion with some raising and eyebrow and some simply smiling.

Minho ignored all of these actions and put his attention on the little in his lap wrapping his arms around him in a protective way.

"Hey Lixie how was your nap?"

"It was good" Felix said sounding bored. Now it was Minho's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"You're not little?"

"No, why?" Minho smirked leaning into Felix's ear. "Baby, your on my lap" he whispered.

Felix went red and looked away. "I know, it's comfy" Just as he went to speak again Chan came up to them.

"Hey, uh Felix. I'm sorry about earlier, I guess I just got scared and I know it was wrong. I hope you can forgive me" Chan gave a shy smile. Felix found this cute and instantly forgave his hyung. Chan smiled and thanked the younger before going back to his conversation with Han.

Minho and Felix were silent for a few minutes before Felix, or rather Lixie, spoke up. "Lixie tired" He said yawning after.

The older smiled at the now little rubbing his back. "You just had a nap."

"But Lixie tired again" he stuck out his lower lip pouting at his hyung. Minho hummed and allowed the younger to drift off to sleep in his lap without a care in the world.

"Goodnight then my little" Minho pressed a kiss against Felix's forehead

Felix smiled "I'm MinMin's little"


Ahhh it's not awful but all my works make me cringe 😭

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