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"Music is the reflection of the soul." (Ludwig van Beethoven)

They say that music can banish nightmares, that notes can soothe deeper wounds and turn pain into something bearable. For me, music has become an escape, a safe haven in a world that too often has turned its back on me...

A dark labyrinth swallows me up, catapulting me into a vortex of memories that I wanted to forget.

I’m back in school, a place that should be safe, but that for me was a hell of bullying and racism. The faces of my comrades look at me with contempt, sharp words wound me like blades.

"You are stupid!"

Laughter surrounds me, as thick as a fire slowly burning inside me. The professors are no exception, with their derogatory comments that mark me as different, as "you suck".

The dream is shattered, passing from one nightmare to another, until I arrive at that indefinite moment, that memory suspended in time. I am a child, kneeling in the deepest darkness, tears tear my face without me being able to understand why. It’s like I’m lost in an endless abyss.

Then, amidst the fog of my tormented thoughts, a figure materializes. A child? Perhaps a child? He’s standing in front of me, holding a hand holding headphones, as a gesture of comfort. A precious gift.

I look around, uncertain. "Who are you..?"

The figure smiles faintly. 

"Take these headphones," whispers the indistinct figure in a gentle voice. 

"Listen to the music, let me get you out of here."

The headphones are a bridge to another reality, an island of tranquility in the rough sea of my dreams. They wrap me in a protective embrace as the music fills the void around me, erasing for a moment the pain and confusion.

Then, in the dark, with my heart pounding, I try to grab the last fragments of that moment. But the headphones are still with me.

Maybe my life is like this: a terrifying dream from which I never fully wake up...

THE CHARACTERS: (of the chapter)

Livia Stone

Livia Stone

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