45/ Gnawin' on my backbone

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"Shyeheehee! Managed to swipe 'em without a hitch, huh?" Ruggie chuckles when he sees Leona leave the Octavinelle dorm. Leona smirks, "Y'know, your compulsive pickpocketing never ceases to amaze me." he praises.

Ruggie shrugs in an innocent way, "Hey, if you wanna keep somethin' safe, you gotta keep your pockets secured too. I'm still not over how many contract scrolls there are. I count around five to six hundred."

"Hmph. He's probably been trapping people in contracts and stockpiling 'em since long before he enrolled." the lion hisses, "Now that we've got the contracts outside the VIP room, that just leaves one thing to do..."

He raises his hand and starts activating his magic, "I am the one who hungers. I am the one who thirsts. I am the one to rob you of your future—" "Hold it!"

He turns to look at the person who interrupted him with a low growl, but when he sees who it was his frown turned into a smirk. "Whoops. That was quick. Don't come any closer, or the contracts are toast." he threatens.

Azul looks at his contracts and starts sweating, "G-give them back... Give them back now, if you please!" he exclaims, nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

"Hey now, at least try to sound composed. Have you decided to drop the cool act altogether? Judging by the way you're panicking, she was right on the money." Leona mutters. Azul looks at him confused in response.

-Dramatic flashback-

Leona tilts his head at you, your hat was on his head (again..), "So what you're saying is that the contracts could be breakable when they're stored in the vault?" he asks.

Grim looks at you confused, "Huh? 'Scuse me? What? How would that work?" he claws at your thigh, wanting answers so he wouldn't feel like he was deranged. Ruggie, that was sitting next to you, understood perfectly.

"Ooh, now that you mention it, yeah! Something doesn't quite add up right, huh?" he says, "If Azul and his boys are right, and the contracts are totally unbreakable and jolt anyone who touches them..." he trails off.

You finish his sentence for him, "...Why would they need to keep 'em locked up tight in a vault at all? They could just leave 'em around anywhere, like Leona does with his wallet." you inform.

Leona looks at you unamused, "Since when did you become smart?"

You were about to give a snarky response but Grim spoke up next, "Oh! Now that you mention the vault... Remember how freaked out he got when the Vault got a little dinged up?"

"He was all like, "No... The door's damaged! The dial and hinges aren't shot, are they?! Phew. Okay, good. How many times have I told you not to use your signature spell so carelessly?! What will it take to get it through your head?!" Grim mocks Azul's voice.

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