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[ Fluff ]

Wooyoung and his best friend, Yeosang sat side by side in their school chapel, the golden light of dusk streaming in through stained glass windows, painting colorful patterns on the stone floor. The scent of incense lingered in the air, wrapping around them in a tranquil embrace as they whispered their prayers, their voices blending in a harmonious union of devotion.

Their heads bowed, Wooyoung's hands folded in silent reverence, contrasted with the restless energy exuding from Yeosang, whose fingers fidgeted nervously. Though both raised in strict religious traditions, their friendship bloomed amidst the solemn rituals and sacred hymns. Their bond, once forged in the crucible of shared beliefs, had now deepened into an unspoken understanding that went beyond the confines of faith.

One fateful day, while volunteering at a local charity event, Wooyoung's gaze fell upon the priest's son, a young man named San. As their eyes met, a spark ignited in Wooyoung's chest, a warmth that spread through him like wildfire. It was a feeling he couldn't ignore, a magnetic pull that drew him towards Hongjoong with an irresistible force.

In San's presence, Wooyoung found himself transfixed, his heart a tumultuous sea of conflicting emotions. Guilt warred with desire, longing with fear, as he grappled with this new and forbidden attraction. Uncertain of his own feelings, Wooyoung tried to push them aside, to bury them deep beneath the weight of his loyalty to his faith.

But love, once kindled, is a relentless flame that refuses to be extinguished. And as Wooyoung and San's paths continued to intersect, their connection grew stronger, more palpable. Each stolen glance, every accidental touch, sent shivers of longing down Wooyoung's spine, awakening a part of him he never knew existed.

The moment they were caught kissing behind the chapel, their world shattered into a million irreparable pieces. Their secret, fragile as spun glass, lay shattered at their feet, leaving them exposed and vulnerable to the unforgiving eyes of their community. The news spread like wildfire, a scandal that sent shockwaves through the pews and the streets, condemning their love as a sin.

Wooyoung and San found themselves ostracized, their once-cherished bond now tested to its breaking point. The weight of judgment and prejudice bore down on them, threatening to crush them under its merciless gaze. As the walls closed in around them, as the whispers and disapproving glances multiplied, they clung to each other, their love a beacon of light in the gathering darkness.

Amidst the chaos and heartache, a newfound resolve took root within Wooyoung. He realized, with a clarity that cut through the veil of doubt and fear, that love was worth fighting for, no matter the cost. With San by his side, a steadfast companion in the turbulent storm, Wooyoung found the strength to defy the shackles of tradition and embrace his truth with unwavering courage.

Their wedding day dawned, a radiant sunrise after the storm, a symbol of hope and renewal. As they stood before their family and friends, hands clasped in a vow of eternal devotion, love radiated from their eyes, a shared promise written in silent gazes. Surrounded by those who embraced them for who they truly were, Wooyoung and San knew that they had forged their own path, one paved with sacrifice and acceptance, leading towards a future where their love would reign supreme.

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