Chapter 2: I'm trapped.

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Ignore the mistakes, please!

Harry's pov

In the thick shroud of darkness, panic grips me like icy talons. This place, so eerily familiar yet twisted beyond recognition, feels like home—but it isn't mine. Whispers in the shadows hint at a dreadful truth: this is Lily's sanctuary. Anxiety claws at my chest as I scramble towards the door, haunted by the sinister echoes of laughter and anguished cries that reverberate through the air.

As I reach for the latch, a chilling silence descends, sending a shiver down my spine. Slowly, the door creaks open, revealing a figure cloaked in shadows. It's Lily—or rather, my creepy neighbor.

Her voice, dripping with malice, slithers through the air like a serpent. "You shouldn't have come here," she hisses, her eyes glinting with a sinister light that chills me to the core.

Confusion and fear intertwine as I struggle to find words. "Lily, what... what's happening?" My voice wavers, betraying the terror that threatens to consume me.

Her laughter is a discordant melody, filled with madness and malice. "Oh, dear neighbor,won't you greet your new neighbor politely?" she purrs, each syllable laced with venom. "You trespass in the domain of nightmares, where reality and horror entwine. You are but a pawn in my wicked game."

Panic surges anew as I back away, my heart hammering in my chest . Every instinct screams at me to flee, to escape this nightmare made flesh.

But as I turn to run, the door slams shut with a deafening finality, sealing me within this malevolent embrace of darkness. Lily's laughter echoes through the night, mingling with the mournful cries that echo through the haunted halls.

I am trapped, ensnared in a nightmare of my own making, where Lily reigns as a queen of horror and madness, her twisted form a reflection of the darkness that lurks within us all.



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