Love, hate😞 part 12

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Next morning:
Sid woke up and saw avneet sleeping with him. Her head on his chest and him hugging her. Suddenly he got up from bed with shock and anger. When he saw a hickey on his neck. Because of him avneet also wakes up and sees him.
N: what happened sid. ( getting up from the bed)
S: ( shout+anger) what happened to me! Are you really asking me this question. You bitch.
N: sid what is wrong with you.
S: how cheap you are! You fucking bitch. I thought u were innocent but no you are a cheap characterless woman! Who is ready to throw herself at anyone.
N: (tears in eyes) sid what are you talking about! Pls relax. What is wrong pls tell me.
S: ok then let me get to the point! How dare you touch me. Just because I was drunk! you thought you had a chance.
N: no no sid you are taking it wrong.
S: ( hold her hair and pull her closer to his face)no i,m not taking it made a mistake and you have to fix it oh no a mistake can't fix a know why your parents left you. Because you are a mistake! And people don't like mistakes.
N: ( tears rolling down her eyes) why are you sa... saying thi... This. I... I... Lo..... Love.... You .
S:(shocked but pushed her away) but i don't! I don't love you !you know actually no one can love you. You know why because you don't deserve it. You only deserve pain. I mean look at yourself bitch. innocent face with cheap character.
N: sid pls stop! It's a prank right. Look I don't like pranks like these. Pl... Pls do... don't..... Sa... Say th.... This! My.... My heart is hurting sid. ( crying non stop)
S: I don't fucking care! How dare you touch me ! ( shout) fucking stop crying. ( Avneet flinched) look I don't fucking care what you do,where you are! with who you are and last but not least thing just STAY AWAY FROM ME BEHANJI. You got it.
N:( wiping her tears with a cold voice and serious face) so you don't care.
S: yes I don't give a fuck about you or your things.
N: are you sure about it.
S: I said I don't care.
N: ( pointing at door) alright you are free to go. I... I wi.... Will send di..... divorce papers next we... week. If you don't care than what is the use of this marriage.
S:( feeling weird after hearing about divorce but thought about vaishu) al... alright ! that's good !at least you have some brain behenji.
N:just wanna say that sometimes what you see or say is not true ! Even a coin has two sides.( signs) should leave now ( looking down with teary eyes) ( sid left and avneet fall on her knees and started crying super hard)
N: ( crying + talking to herself)how can he think of me like this.i loved him and he think I took his advantage. How could you think of me like this sid. How could you.
( I know you guys are thinking that avneet could have explained him that he was thinking wrong but guys the words sid said to avneet affected her really bad. She just couldn't say anything other than telling him to leave)
Other side :
Abhi woke up and went to the washroom to freshup .
After sometime he comes out and saw vaishu sitting on bed looking oblivious.
Abhi : what happened vaishu.
V: vaishu? Didn't I say don't call me that And what am I doing here.
A: but vaishu! Wait you don't remember what happened last night.
V: stop calling me that!and why what happened last night. ( trying to remember)
A: um vaishnavi I want to tell you something.
V: hm ( still trying to remember)
A: I..... I lov.... Love... You.
V: ( shocked + angry) what the fuck! How dare you. ( suddenly remembers) wait wait what did you do with me last night.
A: what do you mean vaishnavi.
V: I mean you fucking raped me ! You used me ! You fucking monster you know why your parents died because no one want to live with a monster even God doesn't like you that's why he didn't killed you with your parents and now I have live with you . You used me you bastard.
A: I..... I use..... Used.... You. ( felt a sharp pain in chest)
V: ( eyes red with anger) yes you fucking forced me you bastard.
A: ( just looking at vaishu) I forced you.
V: didn't you yesterday night.
A: ( his body went numb) you didn't like it.
V: ( hesitate) N.... No I didn't! You for.... Forced me without my consent.
( whatever she was saying was a lie a big lie. Something inside her screamed that whatever she was saying was a lie. She loved everything abhi did. She loved that abhi claimed her! Even her body is craving for abhi but her brain is not ready to accept it)
A: I forced you! ( he asked blankly)
V: didn't you! ( she gasped)
( with a powerful force she got pinned to the bed when she opened her eyes she saw abhi looking at her without any emotions)
A: I forced you ( he removed his jacket and throw it somewhere in the room)
V: (her heart beated faster seeing abhi,s blank face) di.... Didn't yo.... You.
A: ( he gritted his teeth) I forced you ok then let me show you what is forcing. ( he harshly bites vaishu,s neck)
V: ahhhh lea... Leave.... M... Me.
A: now you,ll see what forcing is ( he grabbed her hair and kissed her harshly)
( vaishu whole body shivered! She felt something strange! This is not how abhi kissed her yesterday ,this is not how abhi touched her yesterday! She never felt this uncomfortable when abhi touched her but today she isn't liking it ! The way abhi was kissing him was making her sick but abhi kissed her yesterday and she didn't feel like this than why isn't it the same like abhi is kissing him than why this much different feeling)
A: ( he felt his heart tore apart) I forced you and used you ( while pulling down her top)
( vaishu,s eyes tear up not liking this abhi. Just than a question popped up in her mind DID ABHI REALLY FORCED ME and she got the answer in second NO abhi never forced her if he did than she would have felt same yesterday also)
V: leave me ahhhh ( she screamed when she felt like abhi bited her neck )
A: what happened ( while biteing her neck)
V: pls leave me ahhhh.
A: why this is not my first time forcing you then why are you having problem now.
V: Abhishek ( pushed him) what the hell are you doing. ( with sudden fear she wore her top)
A: you are not weak to push me away then why didn't you pushed me yesterday.
V: ................. ( right she never pushed him)
A: ( shout) if you were weak then you wouldn't be able to push me now than why didn't you pushed me when I was fucking forcing you!!!
V: ( gulped in fear) bec..... because ( cut off in between)
A: and what you said! You have to live with me because no one wants me ( he chuckled but inside his heart he felt a hard squeeze) you don't have to bear me now ( grab his jacket) you are most welcome to leave a shit like me who is nothing other than a monster. ( he left leaving vaishu all alone)
( vaishu felt sudden guilt which made her knees weak even she doesn't know how much her words hurted abhi . She felt her heart broken something inside her was in pieces. Which is making it hard for her to even breath. She destroyed everything with her anger ! EVERYTHING 😞

See you in next part.
Adio te amo guys

Toodles 😉

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