A Secret Endeavor

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The corridors of Hogwarts had always been a place of mystery and magic, but for Y/N, they had become a place of silent determination. She had taken on a task that few would dare to attempt—healing Anne Sallow, the sister of the boy who had captured her heart. In the hidden corners of the castle, she worked tirelessly, driven by her feelings for Sebastian and her desire to see Anne whole again.

Y/N's sanctuary was the Room of Requirement, a place that adapted to her needs. Tonight, it was a fully equipped healing chamber, filled with potions, herbs, and ancient tomes. Her hands trembled slightly as she added the final ingredients to a bubbling cauldron, the culmination of months of research and sleepless nights. She had combed through every ancient text she could find, seeking a cure for the curse that had plagued Anne for so long.

As Anne lay on a cot, her face pale and drawn, Y/N felt a pang of fear. What if this didn't work? What if she failed? But she couldn't afford to doubt herself now. With a deep breath, she began the incantation, her voice steady despite the anxiety churning within her.

A soft, ethereal glow enveloped Anne, and Y/N watched with bated breath as the sickly hue of Anne's skin began to fade, replaced by a healthy flush. When Anne's eyes fluttered open, Y/N's heart leaped.

"Anne? Can you hear me?" Y/N's voice was barely a whisper, her eyes glistening with hope.

Anne blinked, her lips curving into a weak smile. "Yes, I can. Thank you, Y/N. I feel... so much better."

Relief washed over Y/N, so intense it left her dizzy. She grasped Anne's hand, squeezing it gently. "You're welcome. But let's keep this between us for now. I want to surprise Sebastian."

Anne nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. "I promise."

As Y/N left the Room of Requirement, her heart was lighter than it had been in months. She had done it. She had healed Anne. But as she made her way back to her dormitory, a nagging doubt began to creep in. What would this mean for her and Sebastian? She couldn't help but wonder if he would look at her differently, if he would finally see her as more than just a friend.

That night, Y/N lay awake in her bed, staring at the ceiling. The weight of what she had done settled over her, mingling with the anticipation of seeing Sebastian's reaction. She knew she had to tell him eventually, but for now, she wanted to savor the moment. Tomorrow, Anne would reunite with her brother, and Y/N would step back, letting the siblings have their time together.

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