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There was Basit Elma and Aina in living room where Elma Basit and Aina waiting for Jungkook to come ~

Aina : someone please go tell him we are not going to wait for him this long

Elma : Aina shut up , maybe he's nervous ~

Aina : huh whatever ~

Jungkook : here I am , I'm sorry for taking so long

They look at Him where he was in white kurta pajama which was looking so good on him even Basit was admiring her was looking that good ~

Basit : okay okay now come!

Jungkook nodded his head and sit infront of Basit on the carpet

Basit : Bismillah ~

Aina , Elma , Jungkook : Bismillah ~

Basit : Jungkook you have to repeat after me and nothing else to do ~

Jungkook : I'm ready Hyung!

Basit recite Shahada and Jungkook repeat after him which was increasing Aina's Elma's heart beats, at every single word , and Basit's getting tears in his eyes as he completes first work given by Mr Ahamad Raza

Basit : Allah hu akbar here you are Muslim jungkook

Jungkook who was getting tears in his eyes immediately joints his hands in air to make dua

Jungkook who was getting tears in his eyes immediately joints his hands in air to make dua

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After making dua Jungkook look up and got them staring at him

Jungkook : Actually, Allah love when his servant ask him for something in tears so I make dua ~

Basit smile and Elma did the same where Aina was absorbing Jungkook's every single movement

Jungkook : Hyung is there any problem if i wanted to change my name as well ?

Basit : ofcourse not

Jungkook : than give me beautiful Muslim manly name !

Basit : okay so-

Elma : ahha ! Basit let Aina gave him a name

Basit : oh? Okay okay Aina come

Aina hit flinch a lil than she said

Aina : Indeed jungli suits him very well

Jungkook : i knew it ~

Elma : Aina behave!

Basit ; Aina my sister serious !

Aina : umm than i love Muhammad Shahzain ~ name i love this name !

Elma : ma shaa Allah !

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