|~| PROLOGUE |~|

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Note: As stated in the book description, this book may contain some slightly dark/depressing themes. I'll make sure to include a warning at the beginning of every chapter that includes this, or any other potentially triggering topic ^^


[2nd Person POV]

It was just the same as any other day. Sitting on your bed, mindlessly scrolling through your phone, looking for the slightest bit of stimulation.

Break was boring, since you had nothing to do, but school was definitely worse. You'd remember the agonizing hours you'd spend waiting and waiting and waiting for the hours to go by quicker. But they never did. And the moment you got home, you barely had the energy to stay awake, much less for doing the homework the teachers sent.

And how did you spend your break? By laying in bed all day, slowly wasting away.

You jolted slightly in surprise upon hearing a knock on the door. You paused, rubbing your tired half-open eyes. You lazily stood up from your bed, walking through the messy state your room was currently in. You nearly tripped over an empty bottle of water.

Once you were right in front of your door, you twisted the knob open and pulled the door inwards, revealing your mother standing right in front of your doorframe. "Y/N, I've told you about this before. You can't just stay in your room all day?" "Why not? I like my room."

"Because, you're not getting any sunlight, or any of the nutrients you need. Especially with your unhealthy diet. You need to go outside, step into the sun, talk to people." Your mother scolded with a frown on her face. You gave out an exasperated sigh, as you heard her repeat what she's told you fifty times before.

"Don't give me that attitude. I know you hate talking to people and going outside, but all I ask is that you go out and do something productive, like getting a job. I didn't raise you to be lazy." She crossed her arms.

It always irked you to hear her call you lazy. You weren't lazy. Just exhausted in every way possible.

Regardless, you sigh once again, putting your slight irritation aside. You didn't want to argue with her for the hundredth time this month. "Fine, I'll work on it. I'll look for placed to get a job or something." You spoke begrudgingly as she gave a firm nod.

It was then you were able to close the door and turn away, flopping back down into your bed. Great. Where the hell were you going to get a job? McDonald's?

It's not like you weren't used to nagging from your parents, and being treated as if you weren't a functioning member of society and that you didn't provide anything. And to be fair, that wasn't entirely wrong.

You were barely even alive at this point.

Rather than actually trying to find a job, you spent your time browsing through social media posts and feeds, because a little procrastinating never hurt anyone, right? (until it did)

You paused upon suddenly seeing a certain post. You didn't think much of it at first, with how quickly you were scrolling, but something about it had managed to catch your attention.

You had never watched or liked or shared anything related to "Total Drama". Hell, you didn't even know it was a thing. Which you probably should've known, considering you were chronically online.

You'd usually have no interest in trash reality TV, but seeing this post got you thinking.

Would participating on the show technically count as going outside and being productive? You'd rather not go through the stress of trying to find a decent job, but you'd also prefer to stay home. Life is full of awfully tough choices.

As much as you love staying at home, this would be a good enough excuse to get away from your parents' nagging. And your sad, pathetic life.

Looking up from your phone, you found yourself staring at the mirror in your room, observing you messy, disorganized state.

God, is this who you were now? A social recluse who spends all day locked in their messy ass room while being completely addicted to your phone? As much as you hated to step out of your comfort zone, you couldn't let this go on any longer.

Maybe this whole "Total Drama" bullshit could help, or at least serve as some sort of temporary escape.


You made sure to at least fix yourself up a bit and clean your room before setting up the camera, your hands trembling slightly. 

Once you turned that camera on, everything you said or did would determine whether on not you get on the show. You hesitated, your hand hovering over a certain button as you stared at the camera.

You took a deep breath, putting your overthinking aside for a moment. You knew that if when that camera turned on you acted like your usual self, you wouldn't be accepted onto the show.

You're not interesting enough, are you?


Sometimes, being yourself isn't the answer. You knew, that the moment that camera turned on, you were gonna be someone else. Someone interesting.

As you pressed the 'start recording' button, the camera began to count down, and you took a few steps back as you breathed in.






- prologue end.

You're Nothing Without Me | Noah Sterecra x Reader | TDWTWhere stories live. Discover now