phase one

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I know what you're thinking - either "Oh, I'm so jealous" or "You're too young to have a boyfriend." My parents thought so too. But of course, if I wanted to keep my rep., then I simply had to have one. It was my first year of being popular, and it wasn't anything that I was expecting it to be. I still didn't have Instagram or Facebook, courtesy of my overprotective parents, but everyone knew who I was; which went hand-in-hand with knowing how pretty and amazing I was. I don't blame them. My plastic surgeries in Korea (the base of all worthwhile plastic surgeries) were expensive, but they were worth it. I stepped into high school freshman year a new person. Literally.

I'd spent the summer studying the aspects of popularity - pretty didn't even begin to cover it.

You had to wear designer clothes, which was no problem since my dad invented cheap home theaters that were selling out of stores already, but you had to walk, talk, eat, sleep and breathe cool. Designer everything - bags, clothes, shoes, hats, sunglasses - and you had to suit the clothes you wore.

If you stole another popular's style, you'd just be called a wannabe - a p-p-poser with a triple p-p-p. Another aspect was the boyfriend part. All the popular girls seemed to be dating guys that were considered 'hot stuff.' So there's where I met my boundary.

Overprotective parents, check.

I was definitely not getting a boyfriend anytime soon.

At least that's what I thought.


The first week of school came and went, and I was immediately labelled as a popular. Soon enough, guys were lining up to be with me. I was overwhelmed at first and declined some dates guys had asked me out on, but soon enough I realized that if I were to reach the climax of popularity at this school, I desperately needed to get a boyfriend.

People were already sick of me - they started to get bored really quickly with the gossip. I needed something that would keep the attention focused on me. So I went and got myself a boyfriend.

His name was Jack, and he was the hottest player at our school. Six pack; tousled, moppy and sandy brown hair; warm, coffee-brown eyes that pierced right into your soul; with an amazing voice that no one could resist. No girl had held onto him for more than a night at a time - he was notorious for his one-night stands.

Of course, he was probably carrying about a dozen STD's, but I didn't think I'd need to use him in bed. This was before he agreed to fake-date me.

I walked into school on Monday morning with a mission. Even my friends with their inviting gossip stories didn't get in my way on the route to home room, which I luckily had with him. Our last names started with the same letter, after all. We even had the same initials. Jackson Osegueda and Jenna O'Connell. Yep, that was him - the hot popular with the totally whack last name.

"Hey Jackie," I chirp as I slide into the seat next to him.

"What do you need?" he barks gruffly. Even though his words are harsh, I could probably be content with listening to him yell murderous things at the people I love.

"You busy Friday night?" I ask sweetly.

"I've got plans with Avery," he replies nonchalantly.

"Great, so you're free!" I exclaim enthusiastically, ignoring him. "We can go watch a movie together. Pick me up around nine-ish, 'kay?"

I flash him my most winning smile. He rolls his eyes at me, but the corners of his lips lift up the slightest bit, probably in agreement. Just then the bell rings, and I hurry over to my seat so the teacher doesn't catch me in another student's seat.

Given, by the time Mr. Donelly is calling roll, the student - some nerd loser named Frankie Stevens - doesn't show up anyway.

I roll my eyes and pretend to check my nails when he pronounces my name wrong. How is it so hard to say "Genevieve?" And people wonder why I go by Jenna. -_-

The rest of my morning classes fly by in a blur, and it's finally lunchtime. I stand in line with one of the other populars, Stephanie. She's one of the nicer ones. We exchange small talk and gossip about who's looking hot this week, which outfits are a total fashion disaster and how good of a chance Tiffany has with her newest crush Jason.

I exit the line and walk with her to the popular's table, already making plans to ditch them.

At that exact moment, Jack walks by on his way to the lunch line. I shove my lunch in the nearest trash can and follow him.

"Hi Jackie," I smile at him. "Wanna buy me lunch?"

"Of course," he replies, his eyes flickering down to my body suggestively. HA. HA. He thinks just buying me lunch will get me in bed with him? What a loser.

I smile and follow him, loading my tray up with food that I had before throwing it out.

He pays and even carries my tray with him to my table, setting my food down in my usual spot. Stephanie glances at me and then does a double take. "Weren't we just-"

"Yeah, um, the food was bad so I had to go back in line with Jackie."

She gives me a weird look but eventually decides it's easiest to just believe me.

"I'll actually catch you guys later. I'm gonna sit with Jackie today." 'Jackie' shoots me a look identical to the one Stephanie had on her face a moment ago.

I grin at him as if I don't notice how awkward he's acting. "Let's go, Jackie." I prance off in my high heels and wait for him to follow with my tray. What is up with people and their weird looks today? As I sit down, all conversation ceases and I lose count of how many pairs of eyes are staring at me. Like seriously, it's as if they haven't had girls sit at their table. Jack slides next to me and all eyes fall away.

Author's Note:

Hey! It's Anvi and Natalia! We're so glad to finally share this collab with you, whoever you may be (jk no one's reading this). This may never see the light of 1K reads or 100 votes,but we put our best efforts into this story, so we hope you like it!

- A (&N)

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