∘₊✧─Chapter One─✧₊∘

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My eyes shot open at the familiar sound of someone calling my voice.

Alyssia, my best friend since forever, was shaking my shoulders whilst screeching my name in my ear, and I instantly begged to god to wake up in a max-security prison where I'm all by myself.

That sounds nice, doesn't it? No polish blonde women digging their cheap acrylic nails into my shoulders, and certainly no more school.

Honestly, I don't get how that type of prison is a punishment.
I would most definitely be over the moon if I was told I got to live in peace by myself for the rest of my life.

oh, but I can't. so instead, I open my tired eyes and flash the best smile I can.

"What's wrong, Ally?" I tip my head up to see a blonde ponytail in my face.

With a grimace, I move my head out the way, looking around at the rest of my friend group that were sitting in the same train compartment as me and Alyssia.

Draco was sitting next to me with Alyssia on his lap, opposite me was Theodore, Blaise and Zenah, all sitting squashed together.

I looked down at the floor, only to match my gaze with big, hazel doe eyes.


Aurora, who was the youngest in our group, was sat cross legged in-between Zenah's two legs and getting her hair braided.

I gave a small smile at the sight - it wasn't often that we saw Aurora looking comfortable anymore.

But then my attention shifted to the massive body I was squashed against, and squeezed my eyes shut.

It certainly wasn't pansy, she wasn't that tall - and we never usually have anyone else join our friendgroup.

With a curious sigh I opened my eyes, peering up at the boy who's shoulder was level with my forehead.


Dark brown eyes squinted down at me with a hint of curiousity, and then that's when I took in his features.

Chocolate coloured curls piled the top of his head, a faint five o'clock shadow casted his jaw, and a scar ran from his left temple, down his eyebrow and stopped at his cheek.

Who was this guy? he looked like the type of bad boy in Alyssa's romance books.

Like Adamo Falcone, except he got beaten up..100 times.

When a small smirk curled on his oddly-attractive lips, I turned my head away and made wide eyes over to Zenah, because Alyssa was busy sucking Draco's face off.


Zena gave me a knowing look before tucking a brunette ringlet behind her ear and continued to braid Aurora's hair.

"Who's he?" Aurora said as if on cue to my thoughts, and I gave a small nod of my head.

"Aurora, Cara mia, don't be so rude." Theodore drawled, before giving her a small wink. "This, Piccola, Is Mattheo. He's joining hogwarts this year. And be nice to him, he's my best buddy."

"Of course I'll be nice. I'm a gryffindor." Aurora lifted her chin triumphantly.

Sometimes I forget how young Aurora acted compared to the rest of us.

Well. not 'young', more like she's sheltered, hasn't dealt with the real world yet.

Theodore always seemed to treat Aurora like she was his own little sister.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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