Five | 𝓣he First Harmony

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MARCH 21, 2023

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MARCH 21, 2023.

Consumed by my music and work, I tuned everything out

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Consumed by my music and work, I tuned everything out. I was typing as fast as I could on a film script, hoping to get it done and over with so that this stupid semester project could be done. I need to get rid of him. I soaked my tote bag in water and a whole lot of shit of detergent–actually, it's still in our sink. I even showered longer this time, to the point that Yoona came in and told me to hurry so she could shower before class. Now, we sat in silence, with my back facing her.

Well, that's until she placed her hand on my desk, tapping gently to get my attention. I glanced up at her, taking my headphones off, solemn. "Did you see him again? Is that why you were in the shower for that long?" I pressed my lips together, holding back a deep frown. Yoona nodded slowly, scoffing. "He just doesn't know where to draw the line, huh? Forget him–I'll pick you up from Professor Park's class so he knows his boundaries. Since I don't have class during that time, it'll be best for me to get you."

I shook my head, implying it was unneeded, but another hand laid itself on my desk. "I mean it, Yewon. I want you to feel safe in school and not worry about that bastard. I don't know what he did to you, and I don't know your history, but all I know is that it was never your fault–and I'm always going to be on your side."

That almost moved me to tears. I looked back to my computer to avoid tearing up, seeing my film script name: "For All is Farewell."

She lingered a little longer, smiling softly. Yoona tapped her fingers one more time, and I looked back up at her. "I'm going to the store. Need something?"

Should I... speak? Yoona was trustworthy. Going out of her way to keep me away from him, wanting to know more about me... maybe I could give her a chance. We were already... somewhat friends.

I swallowed. I haven't checked my voice in a while. ""

Oh. It got slightly deeper, and that initial crack in my voice... that's horrendous. She didn't say anything, and I feared that it came to her: that it was me. But, no, as I stared at her, her jaw dropped, eyes began to tear up.

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