YONGBOK??!! (Chapter 8)

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(Yongbok's POV)

Today Appa and Eomma decided to take me to the Playground today!

I was having so much fun with random kids, I met a girl named Irene she was soooo pretty and was already 10 years old! Wowie! I also met 2 older boys named Lee Taemin and Choi Minho, one has the same last name as eomma but I don't think they're related , and one with eomma first name!

As I waved at my parents and was going down the slide I saw a man with a super super SUPER cute golden doggy , it looks just like Appa hehe, I want to go pet it

I ran towards the man and the doggy

"Hello sir! May I pet your doggy??" I asked politely with a smile

"... Of course you can little girl" he smiled back, his smile was a little weird looking but eomma says to never judge or make fun of someone's looks!

I bowed as a thank you and patted the doggy

It was so SOFT! ekkk, just as soft as soonie doongie and Dori!

As I was petting the doggy I felt the man pick me up and carry me someone away from the playground and left the doggy behind at the playground

I didn't feel comfortable at all and started wiggling to get out

"S-sir pls put me down.." I say as we got closer to a car

"... " the man didn't reply and held me tighter while putting me in the car

I started crying really loud but the man kept yelling at me to shut up

Making me cry more

Appa... Eomma... Pls save me

I covered my eyes and sobbed even more


(Minho's POV)

We took Yongbok to the playground so she can have her daily vitamin and release some of that energy she had

Seungmin and I sat at a bench and just talked, occasionally looking at bokkie to make sure she's ok

"Soo... Our anniversary is coming soon... What do you want to do for that special day? Hmm? " Seungmin asked me

"Well.. Maybe we can have Hyunjinnie and Han babysit her for 3 days while we go to Florida's Beaches for some relaxation" I replied with a shrug

"Relaxation and some funnn~" He teased with that stupid smirk on his face while looking me up and down

"YAH! You nasty freak! Stop thinking like that. And I definitely need the relaxation after you almost broke my SPINE late night , and you'd probably do the same thing again before our anniversary arrives!"

"I would like to be able to MOVE while on that tiny vacation ya know" I said crossing my arms under my chest

"I understand , I understand! Also stop exaggerating I did not go that hard" he says back, his mouth forming a straight line as he stares at me

"Well maybe I should grow a dick and show you how it feels, huh??"

"Hey- not too much now.." He said with wide eyes

I just laughed at the look on his face

"Hon.. Where's Yongbok?" He suddenly said

I look at him with a raised brow then looked at the play ground just to not see any little girl with blondish blue hair running around

"Oh fuck..." I got up and started to look around for her

I went up to a lady who was standing watching some kids "Excuse me ma'am, have you seen a little girl with blondish blue hair anywhere?" I asked politely

"Ah.. No sorry I haven't" she bowed apologeticly

"Thank you" I bowed back

I saw seungmin also asking around, though he seems to be more nervous then me he was actually shaking a little

I went up to him and hugged him tightly

"Hey.. Hey... Seungmo.. It's gonna be ok, ok? Trust me we will find her if it's the last did we do!" I said giving him a kiss on the lips

"But-" tears started to slide down his cheeks "o-our o-only baby, S-she's m-missing. I'm an awful father! I didn't do what a father should do, protect their child from danger"

My heart broke even more, Our daughter is missing and my husband is blaming himself for being a 'bad father'

"YAH! Don't say that! You are NOT a horrible father!" I lift his head up and wiped his tears off his cheeks "we Will find Bokkie and get her back! We have to do this together and have hope! Ok??"

He replied sadly "o-ok"

"Now let's go report this to the police!" I dragged him to our car and took the keys from his pocket so I could drive


"WHAT?! YONGBOK IS MISSINGGGGG?!?!?!? " I heard Hyunjin yell as I held the phone away from my ear "LOVE!! YOU MF GET OVER HERE" She called out to who I'd assume is Jisung

I just sat on my couch , leg bouncing nervously as I listened to the phone call

"Yongbok went missing today!" Hyunjin said in the background of the phone

"WHAT?!" I heard Jisung yell as he grabbed the phone "omg Minho-ah are you and Seungmin doing ok????"

I sighed "not really.. Im extremely scared about what will happen to our Bokkie and Seungmo... Well.. He's in his depressed stage right now..."

"Well we will be looking got Yongbok tomorrow too if that puts your minds somewhat at easy ok! Don't lose hope! We will find her ok???" Jisung said before the phone was snatched away from him

"Bitch- don't ever grab my phone like that! Anyways.. Minho-ah we will be looking Yongbokkie, ok?? We will ask around and look for anything suspicious, I know we will find her unharmed, ok??" Hyunjin said

Suddenly I saw a message pop up on my phone "hold on Hyunjinnie.. I got a message from an unknown number.. "

Unknown Number

Unknown Number
I have your daughter

If you want her back alive
and unharmed bring 1Million
To this address...

*Address sent by
'Unknown Number'*


"Ah- Ok By-" I hung up and ran to our room to shake seungmin out of his depressed state right now

"Minnie! MINNIE!!!" I yelled

"Yes Min?..." He said slowly

I showed him the message which immediately made him jump out of his depressed state

"We need to go to the police now." He said grabbing my hand and running to grab the car keys

Bokkie we will get you... Please be safe...


Don't trust strangers even if they have a pet! 2 different stories updated your welcome mwah 😙 ily guys thx for being patient with my slow ass

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