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The chains are wrapped tightly around my body. I'm slowly sinking further and further into the abyss. Does it ever end? I look up and see the faces of my family. They all look happy. Why can't I do that too? I struggle in the chains trying to release them, but each move its like they get tighter. Just release me. I want to be free. No. Happy. I want to be happy once more. Please. I look up and see how much deeper I've gotten and stop struggling. I scream. It was a blood curdling scream. I could hear the echo of it within my own head. Could my family not hear? Am I so far down they can't even hear my struggles anymore? I don't wanna struggle anymore. What's the point. I've sank this far there's no reason I should continue to try. I take one final look up then continue to look down waiting till the day I reach the end. This is how I live my everyday life.

Tears are wasteful. Does crying solve the problem? Does yelling make anything better? It's a waste of time. Crying, yelling, releasing emotions that won't help you in anyway. Bottle them up. Smile. Constantly smile. Just be happy. Shedding tears for past events won't change it. You have to shrug it off when you feel your eyes begin to water. You have to work to become stronger when you feel you are becoming weak. When you feel even the slightest bit of anger you have to become happier. No matter what. Pushing through day to day with a smile and no other emotions. It's how life should be. Don't get angry, don't get sad, don't even get the littlest bit of an emotion other than happiness. Smile smile smile. It's not that hard. Constantly smiling so I never waste anymore time. This is how I constantly live my life.

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