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*earth, was sleeping on her orbit, still not getting mistreated by anyone yet, but after four hours of sleeping, someone hits her, until her face was bleeding,* (someone did not slap her-)

Earth: w-why i-is m-my face bleeding..?!

*Earth has woken up with a bleeding face, and was shocked so she puts bandage, so it can heal properly..*

(On Earth's Mind: someone hit me.. do they hate me that much...?)

(On Earth's mind: I didn't even do anything to him/her.. Im going to uranus's orbit...)

*Earth goes to uranus's orbit*

Uranus: oh, wait... What happened to your face Earth..?!

Earth: I don't know what happened, but someone hurted me, when I was sleeping, I didn't even feel the pain...

Uranus: *goes up to earth, and help her fix her bleeding face*

*Earth blushes slightly, and a bit embarrassed*

Earth: o-oh... T-thanks... Uranus.. ,uh.. can I stay with you for awhile..?

Uranus: *Chuckles a bit* yea sure..

*(Earth, stayed with Uranus for awhile, they were talking a bit)*

*(*Earth falls asleep on Uranus shoulder, so Uranus blushed a bit, but takes care of her too*)*

(*After three and one half hours, earth finally woke up, and blushes, because she accidentally sleep on his shoulder*)

*(At Mercury and Mars, they plan to try and hurt earth. In any ways, Mars was the one who made Earth's face bleed)*

Mars: Hey Mercury, how can we hurt earth..? ,We already hurt Earth's face, so which is next..??

Mercury: hm.. ,what about her right arm..?

Mars: what if she knows how to use her left arm..?

Mercury: then we'll have to do the same thing with her right arm...

Mars: sounds good! *looks at Earth's orbit, but she wasn't there..*

Mars: wth is earth not at her orbit, all I know is she's always going to Uranus's orbit... *Murmurs to himself-*

Mars: hey Mercury, earth isn't here so, we should make a backup plan ,so if Uranus found the plan, we could basically use the backup plan!

Mercury: yes, that's good. *makes their own backup plan*

*At Uranus's orbit*

Earth: hey Uranus, I'm going back to my orbit now! Bye!

Uranus: ok! ,Bye earth!

*Earth leaves and goes back to her orbit*

*Earth, does her own things on her orbits*

*When both mars and Mercury made their own backup plan, mars said:*

Mars: hey Mercury, I'm gonna get Neptune and sun, so we can hurt earth more!

Mercury: ok, I'll do this now, go and grab them..

*At mars*

Mars: hey sun! ,Can I tell you something..??

Sun: yea sure..

Mars: ok! *Tells him the thing he wants ask*

Sun: ok, let's go!

*(*This is an AU, sun and earth aren't father and daughter relationship*)*

Mars: tell Neptune, so we can do this plan a lot more easy!

Sun: ok, your so lazy, you cant even do it your own. *Rolls his eyes and goes to Neptune's orbit*

*(*While Uranus, Uranus had been listening to them, (eavesdropping*

*(On Uranus mind: ... Wait they are going to do that to earth..?! I gotta tell earth about this, and goes to Earth's orbit, to inform that Mercury, mars, sun, and Neptune are planning to hurt earth.)*

Uranus: earth! ,I need to tell you something..!

Earth: uh ok?

Uranus: *tells that Mercury, mars, sun and Neptune will plan to hurt you*

Earth: w-wait what..?! ,They're trying to hurt me..?

Uranus: yes.. they're trying to hurt you...

Earth: what s-should i-i do..?

Uranus: you should stay on my orbit for alot of days, I'm just gonna tell you, when you can go back to your orbit...

Earth: ok..

*(Both of them went into Uranus orbit)*

*(Mercury saw it, and thought of something, and tells it to Mars)*

Mercury: mars, earth is going to stay on Uranus's orbit, let's do is, were going to sneak up to them, while they're sleeping so we can get earth..!

Mars: ok. .


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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