Didn't know it was going to last 3 years

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If I had known that I was going to be confined to that floor for 3 years, I could have taken my life.

  Every single day, I had to remind myself that one day, I will be fine.

  But I was only met with disappointment every time.

  I got used to getting fucked and would pray I wouldn't have to do anything more than sex.

  These years, I requested so many things from my first brother just to make my sex life bearable.

  All my brothers were unreasonable, asking me to have sex for a long time, reckless, rough. They asked for bondage and sex plays whatnot. It was only because of my first brother that every part of my body is still functioning and pristine.

  But in turn, I had to do so many things, like to have sex twins at the same time, only individual sex with triples, give blowjob to that nerd if I can't have sex, sleep naked with ninth brother, have nipple piercings for second brother etc.

  I only hope I will be healthy, listen to music and go outside. I want to visit the beach and parks maybe just a sidewalk along the trees on the road.

  Today, my first brother came to me and said I could have breakfast together with all other brothers in the dining room.

  It was not believable. I was in daze. I thought it was dream until I sat on the chair in the dining room.

  All my brothers were there. As I sat there, I was reminded of my memory 3 years ago, where I was sitting in the same chair eating the food my brothers have fed me.

  I trembled little at the memory and just kept silent.

  I sat next to my first brother. They served me food. It was normal. I just kept eating while all my brothers were talking and kept taking turns to feed me food.

  I was glad that I left that room and was allowed to roam around the house at least.

  I finished my food and don't want to eat more. All my brothers were still eating.

  I just sat there.

  Suddenly, my first brother placed his hands on my thighs saying to wait.

I shook my body a little. My first brother smiled.

  He didn't move his hand away but groping inside my shorts.

  It was loose fitting short and he moved till he touched underwear.

I was blushing hard. He moved it away without doing anything.

  I think others have noticed it. They finished the food.

  We all went to the room of the first brother as he called us all into his room.

  He told everyone that I would be free to roam inside the home and I could occasionally go outside with them brothers.

  I was little glad. Finally all my suffering had some result.

  I was given my own room that prepared by the triplets.

  The room was brown colour themed with occasional yellow curved stripes.

  I was told to get rest today and see my room.

  To be honest, room is nice but if only people were nice too.

I suffered a lot. I am scared to interact with anyone outside. I lost confidence. Even the house guard doesn't listen to my complaints.

  I don't complain anymore. I don't even desire much things myself.

  I am riddled with too many thoughts.

I reassured myself over and over that I will be fine.

  I explored the room. I have a wardrobe, a nice fluffy bed and a big bathroom.

I have a cabinet. I opened the trays to see what was inside.

  It had a diary, a pen, condoms, some medical records.

Those were my medical records. I had some minor health issues but since one of my brother is a doctor, he just treated me inside the home.

  Maybe I can't live happily even if I escape. All my brothers are into all sort of professions that if I leave some sort of trace in anyway, I will be tracked regardless.

  I have very little hope.

  Sometimes I questioned why my heart was still beating with all the things that were done to me.

It was so hard breathing all these years. But I decided to escape outside.

I want to breathe freely.

==To be continued.



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