prologue: estella

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Thick, billowing smoke filled the air, painting it a murky gray

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Thick, billowing smoke filled the air, painting it a murky gray. It hung like a shroud, giving the scene an eerie and ominous feel. The weight of it pressed down on everything, leaving a smell that lingered long after it dissipated. I tried to run, but it seems impossible, wherever I go. I feel like a experiment hamster running on a wheel . Hopeless.

I ran forward as fast as I could, breathing the toxic air as I ran. I knew I would die, somehow. I signed up for this, and now it's time to pay. I had no choice, but options, either be killed by them, or die trying. I would rather die trying. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, matching the rhythm of my feet hitting the ground. The acrid taste of smoke filled my mouth, It's hard to breathe, but I can't just give up. Thalia, do this for Thalia. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, theres a feeling that makes me want to give up. I can't, I can't leave Thalia alone, not with them. My baby sister is just 17, she's not ready for this, not ready for this world. It's cruel sometimes, how life seems so unfair, but I guess things are what they are.

The sound of footsteps could be heard clearly through the silence. Just me and them. I knew the chance of surviving is like asking a lion for mercy, theres only one ending. I looked behind, a shadow slowly emerged into my vision. Is this is end? Is this the price to pay? I could feel their presence slowly, hauntingly coming closer. There's only one ending for me, but Thalia still has a chance. She has to be ready, she isn't. And It's all because of me.

I ran, sprinted, dashed. I ran endlessly, running around the house in the most random directions. The once cosy furnitures burst in flames, the kitchen table burning, along with all the memories that came with it. Everything felt surreal. If you were to ask me a few years ago, would I imagine myself running through flames and smoke, chasing after the teenyest chance of living? I would've laughed in you face, and teased you on how much books you watched. I watched as the house I had always called my home burning into ashes. Furnitures broken, decorations in flames. Twenty two years of memories. I watched, as my life flashed before my eyes, memories replaying. When I was 11, baking christmas cookies with Thalia. When I was 13, mom and dad comforting me on the sofa while I cried my heart out from my first ever heartbreak. When I graduated college, having a huge party thrown at home without mom and dad knowing. Is this what people mean when they say "The last seven seconds of life"?

I would die, but I can still save others, from my own mistakes. I know, in a few seconds, I would die. I could only wonder about what would happen after I die. Will I be good enough to be in heaven. No, of course not. But am I ruined enough to be sent to hell? That is a question to be decided.

I rummage through the cluttered drawer of my bedside table. I have to warn Thalia, even if it would cost me my life. She has to know what's going to happen, she deserves to know. They're monsters, they'll go after her as well, that's for sure. I searched through the messy drawer, through medals and certificates that would further prove to the people, how "golden-child" coded I am. Sometimes, I feel like a fraud. Acting so perfectly in public, but knowing I'm far from perfect. Yes, I have the grades, the looks, the- basically everything. But one colossal mistake can ruin it all, and I made that grave mistake.

There it is. I fumbled for my phone. Going as fast as I could. I unlocked my phone. I can sense their presence coming closer and closer. I opened the call app. A gust of cold wind sent shivers down my spine. My hands shook as I dialled Thalia's number. come on pick up Thalia, pick up

"Stella? Hey!! Why'd you call me? Good news? You know just now-"

"Thalia! Thalia! Listen"

I can't waste anytime waiting, they're going to find me in a few seconds, I have to tell her

"I'm listening" Thalia replied


I took a deep breath, here it is. The image I had built for myself my whole life will be teared apart, everyone would know how much of a fake I am.

"There's something I need to tell you, okay?"

"Mhm, yeah? Anything happened? Did you and Mateo got in an argument again? I told you he was bad news, honestly no one expected you to date someone like him."

"No, of course not, Mateo is treating me perfectly fine," I said, "Look, what I'm about to tell you is very important."


I opened my mouth, ready to tell her everything, when I felt a sting in the back. I've been stabbed with a knife. I let out a muffled scream, dropping the phone from my hand. The pain surged through my body, overwhelming and sharp. I stumbled forward, clutching at the wound on my back, feeling warm liquid seeping through my fingers. The world around me spun as I fell to my knees, gasping for air. Through the haze of agony, I could make out the figure standing behind me - a cruel smile playing on their lips.

I mustered my last breath and choked out.

"They're coming"

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