Morning Kiss😘

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Copper doesn't like to get up early that's why curtains of his window always closed but today he is feeling sun's kisses in his face.
"Didn't I closed my curtains"he opened his eyes slowly and saw his best friend Ta.
"Oh I sleep over at Ta's" . Last night two buddies do assignment and played video games till they drope. Copper was still laying next to Ta and his eyes start to wonder Ta's face. In his sleep Ta looks cute like kitten. Ta always try to look cool or mature but indeed his cute and childish. Without noticing Copper's hand went to Ta's lips and touch it
"Very soft......" and suddenly Ta's eyes opened
"Aa Morning" said Copper while blushing did <Ta notice his hands?>
"Good morning" said Ta and grabbed Copper's neck and plased soft kiss to his lips
<Did just Ta kissed me?> widened Copper's eyes. But what Ta did next shocked him more..  After kissing him Ta just hugged him and hide his face in Copper's neck. He is definitely asleep. Copper froze in his position don't know what to do. All he can think is kiss and feel Ta's hot breath in his neck.
<What the fuck did Ta mistaken me with his girlfriend?> he was lost in his thoughts but suddenly he heard alarm
"Hmmm" Ta lift his head and try to rich his bed stan and turned of the alarm. Copper was still in his arms then realization hit him
"Oh Copper" Ta realsed Copper from his embrace
"Good morning Ta".... "Morning" <Oh kiss! I kissed him>
" Aa Copper the kiss..."
"Oh its Okey I think you thought I'm your girlfriend, it must be reflexes to you"
"What? What kind of girlfriend are you talking about?"
"What is it boyfriend?"
"Copper I don't have fean you know. If I had one you would be know a long time ago"
"Then do you kiss your pillow every morning?"
"Why would I kiss my pillow?"
" What I mean is you won't be kissing me if it's not your habit, is it?"
" well I thought I was dreaming "
Ta hide his eyes from Copper he doesn't know what to say. How can he explain? Will he say I like you and dream of you a lot and thought it was one of them? What If Copper ask from him If he had wet dreams too? Will Copper hate him? Ta was fighting with himself when soft hands touched him he forget  everything. Oh how he wish those hands touch him everyday. Well basically they touch him everyday but today it felt different
"It's Okey you don't need to explain if you are uncomfortable, let's forget about it" said Copper with soft smile.
<Forgot? Their first kiss? Just like that?>
"I like you, Copper".... "what?".....
"Listen, after that you might hate me but I don't care and I don't want to pretend this kiss never happen. I like you since the first day we meet and dream of you a lot. And today too when I opened my eyes I thought I'm dreaming and heart your voice saying morning. You were looking like angel and I can't help but kiss you" said Ta in one breath
"Oh okey" said Copper with confusion
"OKEY? What do you mean by Okey?"
Copper thought for a minute and gathered all his courage
"I like you too"
"Huh? Really?" Aked Ta being wide awake and hugged Copper
"Then can I kiss you again?" Said Ta shyly
<Oh gosh is he shy?>
"Hell yeah. You can kiss me every morning from on now"
Ta smiled him brightly and pecked in his lips
"What about night? Am I not allowed to kiss you at night?" Said Ta with smirk on his face
<Well this is Ta I know> thought Copper and rolled his  eyes, before he can answer they heard woman's voice
"First eat your breakfast guys and you can discuss about night kiss" Ta's mom while leaning on the door. Upon seeing her Copper hide himself to Ta's back.
"How long was she standing at there?" Whispered Copper
" you guys were kissing when I got there and don't even heard when I opened door " Ta's mom managed to hear Copper and answered him.
"Mom stop making he is shy we will be in 5 minutes" said Ta while hugging Copper and hide his face in his chest because he knows Copper's face was red like tomato. His mother just laughed and left his room
"Don't be shy my mom knows that I like you" said Ta patting Coppers head
"Hm let's go watch our face and go to dining table or my mom strat to think we are doing more than kiss"
"Hey!" "I'm just kidding"
They laughed to each other and went to bathroom.  In Copper's mind there was a question "How it would be their night kisses?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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