When I joined RP, at the time of the pandemic, Where the world of RP is still not toxic, and people are getting along well. Where toxicity is still not part of it, there's this girl who taught me what love is. My first love... and probably my last.
We first met at this GC exclusive for Bisaya only, where she challenged us to pronounce a word, and for those who did it, she'd give a load. And surprisingly, I did it; I pronounced it. But she didn't give me a load. I was really excited about that, but... yeah. She didn't. So, I messaged her and asked her where my load was. But then she called me love. I was really surprised by her calling me love.
As time goes by, we always talk and call each other, even though we're not in a relationship. She would always talk about me in the GC, and she would always talk about the girl she was into too. and that's me. Yeah, we were both girls. She often gets jealous, and I laugh so hard at the thought that she gets jealous of my cousin just because we talked so sweetly, like we're in a relationship.
When we're already in a relationship, nobody knows about it. It feels like I have already found my cheerleader. We just take it slowly. We just talked about our lives and how they were going. We just talked and talked until... She decided to deactivate her account. She didn't even tell me what her reason was, but I waited... Not until she opened her account and didn't even bother to inform me, and I'll never know if this friend of mine didn't tell me. And I'll just know she's already entertaining someone. I was hurt. Of course... Who wouldn't, anyway? I am her girlfriend, yet she claims the other girl is hers. And the thought just came to my mind: I did find my cheerleader, but she's already someone's cheerleader. I just can't take it anymore and have decided to leave the RP world.
And here I am; I still can't get over to her, and I'm not even sure if she still remembers me.