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Days later, Becky returned from work and sat in her friend's cozy living room, surrounded by memories. She feels something hurt within her thinking about Freen.

Becky's mind wandered back to her journey, the camera, and the photographs that had changed her life forever. She realized that the experience had changed her a lot.

Irin: Here

Irin passed a box

Becky:what is this

Irin:just open it

Becky open the book and looked at the book it was named as “fleeting 1970”

Becky:This is?

Irin:the book of your granny

Becky: what

Irin:she published her poetry collection later on In her life

That made Becky smile for first time after incident

Becky: Where did you find this?

Irin:she exists Becky you saved her existence from disappearing,She lived a fulfilling life till her last breath, and my research suggests that this bachelor poetess penned exquisite verses about love with remarkable depth, yet she remained enigmatic, never publicly linked to anyone.

Becky: I still wish I could have shared a moment with her, to talk at least once.

Irin: Didn't you read that letter you found in her diary?

Becky went through the pages till end and she closed the book

Becky: I don't have enough courage to read it. I'll read it soon

Irin: I understand

Irin gave her a comforting hug


Both friends after months were finally on vacation again and they came back to same beach where it all started as Becky requested because she feels something like peace here

Becky has been fine now she was living fully again her friend was happy to see her friend smile again it was heartbreaking for her to see Beckys dull eyes no will go forward in life like she lost her will to live in that different world

They sat on beach looking at shores

Irin: so did you read that letter

Becky nodded

Irin: what was in it

Becky: my will to live

Becky smiled at irin and irin understanding it just enough.

She read the letter, tears streaming down her face like a river, yet amidst the sorrow, she found a sense of peace wash over her, knowing her intention had finally been fulfilled.



What should I write in this letter?
There is so much to I have to say,
There is so much I have to explain.
If this letter doesn't reach you then
I have to comfort myself
I tried to do things to distract myself
But the evening reminds me of your smile,
the moon reminds me of your eyes
And the night brings you in my dream
Then the birds chips about you in morning
When I see myself in mirror before I can see myself,I see you in reflection of my eyes
You talk a lot with me in my mind
But you never tell me what I should write for you
To be called I'm the poet with my tight hold on words in my palm
I could write something which never existed
But don't know why I forget simple words when I think about you
Maybe my words are not to be written in this letter
Can you just read my eyes instead of this letter?
So You can see it yourself

When I pen love
Everyone can see you reflected in my gaze.

An extraordinary relationship has developed between me and the sea
It is pleasant to look at them, I feel peace, as if waves are calling me near, as if waves are inviting me to merge into them.

But as soon as I get too close, I see you in them,
And then I get scared because I want to live for you.

The waves also teases me.
On one side, it shows our togetherness, and on the other side, it shows me alone.

That's why I no longer go to the ocean's shore,
I'm content to gaze at the waves from afar, happy for their sake.
I try to leave this place, but something holds me back,
Something that doesn't let me go
First is memories of you that keeps calling me back,
And second is the promise I made to you, which doesn't let me merge with the waves."

When I see two waves rising together in the ocean,
I pray from the heart for sake of those two waves,
The prayer is that they become one, and their story nay end together,
Better than us.

I wrote just us together in my diary
I know the things I have written have no obligation to come true yet I did it
I wrote us together even though I know
The story will never finish
Still I left my diary blank,just in case.

I was the dark night's sky, and you became my moon
And now you're gone, and maybe another moon will want to come into my sky
but I'm afraid my clouds will eclipse the sparkle of that moon.

Now my sky doesn't need another moon.

The departed moon has left my sky so radiant,
That I can now see my own path and purpose with clarity,
illuminating my journey for the rest of my life.

I was defeated, but now I have to live, I will live for you.
Maybe I wouldn't have been able to if you hadn't come
The life that I never wanted to live, I'm living it today, only because of you
now I realize that love magnifies our capacities even if it means dying or living

I hope far away from our two worlds,
there's another world where we'll meet again

You too, live your life to the fullest, as you had wished for me, and then our paths will cross again, in that distant land, beyond this life.

I'll wait for you, my becky, on the other side.


Becky smiled remembering about freen and she kept on looking at waves

Everything can change in world but those waves are same who witnessed her with freen

Becky smiled, lost in thought, as she gazed out at the waves. She had finally found peace, and a new appreciation for life. Soon she watched, a young girl picked up a camera from the sand, dusting it off with a smile. Becky's eyes widened, remembering the familiar situation that had changed her life forever.

With a sense of nostalgia and wonder, Becky watched as the girl raised the camera and checked it throughout.

But she put it back again on ground and turned to walk away

But soon after she ran back and picked up the camera

Becky knew that moment, that feeling, and she couldn't help but smile.

Because she could see herself right in place of that girl.

"It's starting again," she whispered to herself.

She watched the start of a new journey, and realized hers had finally ended.



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