46/ Magic beam emission

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"Y'all go back to the school, I'll be there in a bit."

"Y/N-" Go." they try to reason with you but your demands were honestly frightening. Your three (human) friends comply and leave since they knew you can handle yourself, but your tiny companion wasn't complying.

Grim walks over to you and taps your fin, "N/N, are you gonna be okay..?" he asks, you look at him surprised but smile. "Everythin's gon' be peachy, go back to the others." you instruct as he immediately does what you tell him.

You watch as Grim swims away to your other friends with a smile, your smile dropping as soon as he appears out of your sight.

'Alright.. last time a voice came from my back, no, it was definitely Rainbowdash's voice.' you think to yourself as you put your hand on your stomach to examine the new cutiemark. 'A star, and since I'm developin' a horn..'

"Twilight." you say out loud and readjust your bangs so you could see the horn growing. "Okay think Applejack, what can Twilight do?" you ask yourself and immediately think of the Octavinelle dorm.

You feel the stinging sensation on your forehead as you close your eyes and imagine the dorm again, you slowly blink your eyes open and find yourself in the dorm.

"What in Celestia?!" you exclaim as you fall on the floor because you still didn't have legs. Your tail fin slowly morphs into two legs again as you decide to stand up.

You stand up and cover your mouth, you felt like puking. The toll it takes on your body to do something so extreme with no training was getting to you. Your new horn hasn't even fully developed and your trying such complex things.

Why were you so calm about this situation? Well your little sister Applebloom has been in a similar situation, about getting cutie pox. "Zecora.." you mumble, why were you getting cutie pox?

You hold your hat for comfort and look around for your friends, you see Grim arguing with Leona so you run up to them. You bend down and pick up Grim from under his legs. "N/N!" he exclaims when he sees you.

"Leona was bullyin' Azul!" he complains while side-eyeing Leona, the lion looks at him offended, "Now you're blaming me? You're the ones who told me to turn the contracts into sand." he states.

You three turn to stare at Azul when he suddenly starts laughing, "Jade! Floyd! Ahhh, you've finally come back to me. Would you believe that thanks to these FOOLS, I've lost all of my contracts?"

"Which is why I'm going to need your powers now. Come on, give them to me!" he demands. "Hold on. Your signature spell is so powerful, it's impossible to control without a contract scroll. You know better than anyone what will happen if you do this!" Jade exclaims.

"But I lost it all, you see? Everything! Aha ha... AHA HA HA!" he starts laughing again, "I'm going to revert back to my old self if I don't act now!" he yells.

𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐬𝐦 • various!twisted wonderland x applejack!readerWhere stories live. Discover now