Chapter 53 - TRUTH

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Hii guys !! ready ? A lot of you guessed it already but the truth is out ! Did you like the suspense ? Was it too obvious ?

Tell me what you think !! I hope your day is going well ?

Do you have any suggestions for the next chapters ? Should Max wake up soon ? Should she stay in a coma for more ? What do you want to read ?

Ok, that's it for now,

Byeee, M


... NOVEMBER ...

Nathan looked up, his eyes red and puffy . Tears were now streaking his face and is voice trembled as he spoke,

"My sister ... Nina"

My heart dropped, and a cold, hollow feeling spread through my chest. Nina? Like Towa's girlfriend, Nina? The same Nina I had spent the previous night talking with ? Nina who had comforted me, who had seemed so understanding and supportive? This couldn't be possible. There had to be a mistake.

"Nina?" I repeated aloud to myself, my voice barely more than a whisper. My heart began to pound, each beat reverberating in my ears like a drum. The room seemed to close in around me, and I could feel a cold sweat forming on my forehead. I turned away from the mirrored window, pressing my back against the wall for support. My knees felt weak.

I could still hear the conversation in the room.

"I didn't want to do it," he said, his voice choked with regret. "She told me it was just to scare Maxine, to make her back off. I didn't know it would go this far. She said it was the only way to make sure Renee would be safe. She manipulated me. I... I'm so sorry."

Well apparently you're not the only one she manipulated. I'm so angry and so sad for Towa. She was so happy to finally have found someone who seems to like her as much as she did. When she presented Nina to us we were all pleasantly surprised at how funny and gentle she was, she charmed everyone. Towa had been over the moon, her face glowing with happiness every time she talked about Nina. She had found someone who made her feel seen, cherished, and loved. Someone who seemed to fit so perfectly. But this was all a lie. God, Towa's heart is going to be shattered after this...

"Nathan, you need to tell us everything. What did Nina tell you? How did she convince you to do this?" I hear the detective ask.

I looked at him again across the window. He couldn't see me, I don't even think he's aware that I'm here. His shoulders shook with silent sobs, and he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, his voice cracking as he continued.

"She said that Maxine was a threat, that she would hurt Renee if we didn't do something. She made it sound like we were protecting her. I never wanted to hurt anyone, I swear. Nina... she made it sound so urgent, so necessary."

Bullshit !

The detective's voice cut through my internal rage. "Nathan, how did Nina convince you to follow through with this? Did she threaten you or anyone else?"

Nathan shook his head, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and remorse. "No, she didn't threaten me. She said it was for the greater good, that we had to protect Renee. She... she's my sister. I trusted her. She's always been there for me, and I thought she was right."

"You need to give us more details, Nathan. Where is Nina now? Do you know what she's planning next?"

Nathan's face crumpled, and he looked down at his hands, clenched tightly in his lap.

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