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🐹Great New Friends🐬————————————————————————
Unknown number

This is Miyoung right?

Who's asking??

Oh umm this is Jisung
Jaemin told me and Chenle to text u
So u have our numbers

That makes sense I'll save ur number rq
New number saved as *🐹Jisung🐣*

It was nice meeting u cya tmr :))

I Finally put my phone down now fully ready for bed but planned to wait a little bit. From what jisung said I should be getting a message from chenle, but when? Then I hear my phone start ringing.

Incoming call

"Why the hell is he calling" I say as I just let the phone ring. When it finally stoped ringing I put it on silent immediately.

Incoming call

Ignoring the incoming call I get up and go over to my window making sure that it's locked. I would just block this number but that hasn't really worked out for me in the past. Sitting back down on my bed as I start to try and get comfortable again I look down at my phone.

Hey this is chenle
I know it's late so u don't have to reply
Just save my # when u can :))

New number saved as *Chenle🐬*

After saving his number I immediately put my phone on the charger and finally lay down fully in bed.

*In the morning*
I wake up to my phone buzzing for the millionth time,finally picking it up checking who it was I jumped up.

*Incoming Call*

It was already almost 12pm and I was still in bed. Clearing my throat I answer the phone taking a sip of water.

"Hello?" I say after putting my cup back down on my side table. "Hey Miyoung you ready for today! I was thinking we could meet up at 1 what do you think?" Cursing myself I agree quickly. "Okay sounds great cya soon then" I say with a small smile as we both say bye and hang up.

Heading to the bathroom to hurry up to brush my teeth and wash my face "Dang it Miyoung you just had to sleep in today of all days ughhhh." I shout trying to find something to wear.

"Okay I called her, she should be here around 1" Jaemin slightly laughs. I pause my game to look at him confused "but I'm willing to bet she just woke up so let's just wait till she's ready". I chuckle at his statement "ok let's bet on it" I say slightly excited as the other two look at me confused "Bet on what" Jisung asks. "Even though she just woke up I'll bet she'll still be I few minutes early" I say confidently "Anyone wanna bet otherwise?" I smirk "I say she's gonna be late then" Jisung says happily. "I'm with ji on this one, how about we bet 10,000 won each deal?" We all shake hands and soon after I get back to my game.

After finally getting all ready, I head downstairs to make a piece of toast before I go. In the kitchen I run into my brother.

"Hey, you're finally awake... you going somewhere?" "Yeah I have plans with... some new friends?" I say kinda questioning myself. "Why do you ask" I say putting butter on my toast. "I was wondering if you could drop me off at the cafe" I look at the time "Yeah but you have to get in the car now" I say walking out the door and showing the biggest smile ever.
(Underlined is them speaking English)

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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