Yes sir | part 1

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The sunlight began to shine through my curtains as my alarm suddenly woke me up for the day. I usually hated school, but there was one specific thing that motivated me to go. And that reason was my music teacher, Mr Biersack. As i turned off my alarm a giggled to myself as i knew today was the day i had Mr Biersack. I smiled to myself as i got up out of my silk sheets and giddily skipped over to my vanity. I took out my hair brush as i began to bush my long, silky black hair. I began to do my makeup as i applied my foundation, mascara and some eyeliner. I loved getting ready to see Mr Biersack. I threw on some leather pants, a dark red tank top and my favourite pair of black boots. Today is going to be exciting.

I walked up to the school as i saw my best friend Mary run up to me and give me a hug. "Heyyy y/n, you happy we have your favourite music teacher today?" she said as she poked me teasingly and giggled. "You don't even know how excited i am for LITERAL SCHOOL because of this man, he's absolutely gorgeous i literally cannot even concentrate in class because of how HOT and SEXY he is." I heard someone clear their throat behind me as i turned around and saw Mr Biersack towering over me. His piercing blue eyes stared menacingly at me as i felt my face go bright red.

"Run to class ladies, you dont want to be late to my class now do you" he said while doing his iconic smirk. God he's so sexy. "Yes sir" I said as we both scurried along to class. "GOD MARY WHAT IF HE HEARD ME CALLING HIM HOT AND SEXY THATS SO EMBARRASSING." I said and she giggled at me.

The bell rang as i hurried to class alone as Mary had already arrived earlier than me. "Fuck i'm late" i muttered to myself as i opened the class door and felt all eyes on me. "Miss y/l/n. You're late. Go sit down and i'll speak to you after class" Mr Biersack said as he smirked at me. "Sorry sir." i said as i hurried to sit next to Mary. I couldn't concentrate through the whole of class as i was nervous about Mr Biersack wanting to see me after class. I was so zoned out i didn't even realise the class had ended until the bell rang and knocked me out of my trance.

"Okay that's all for today everyone have a good rest of the day and don't forget your homework is to be completed over the weekend and handed in on Monday." Everyone got up and left "I'll wait in the parking lot for you y/n" I nodded at Mary and stayed seated as my leg was shaking with nervousness. Mr Biersack motioned me towards his desk. I slowly got up and stood next to the desk he was sitting on.

"Y/n, what did i say about being late?" he said while his sky blue eyes looked into mine waiting for an answer. "I'm sorry sir, i got caught up in the hallway." "Well being late is a school offence." "I know sir. I-im sorry. It won't happen again i promise." i said while stuttering as i felt his eyes on me while i looked at my shoes. I felt a cold hand reach below my chin and lift up my face. Mr Biersack had stood up and was now towering over me as he is 6"2 and i'm 5"3. God he's so hot. "Now, what are we going to do to make sure you're not late again. Maybe a punishment?" he chuckled as i couldn't form any words due to the tension messing with my brain.

I felt my panties began to form a wet patch as his hand slowly caressed my face. He smirked as he slowly bent down to my ear and whispered in my ear "follow me." As he began to lead me into the back room where the instruments were played and recorded.

As soon as the door shut he quickly locked it and pinned me against the wall. "Now, y/n, it's time for your punishment. Do you trust me?" "Yes sir." He began to lean closer to my face as our lips interlocked sending a rush of adrenaline through my body. I whimpered into the kiss as his hands grabbed my ass. He picked me up from my ass as my legs wrapped around his waist, still kissing each others lips. The kiss began to get more intense as Mr Biersack began to take off my shirt and his own.

He smirked at my laced red bra i had put on under my shirt. "You dirty girl." I giggled as he began to undress the rest of us until we were both in our underwear. "Now. Hopefully this will remind you never to be late again. Yes y/n?" "Yes sir" "Call me Andy" he said as he picked me back up and layed me onto the table behind us. He pulled down his boxers as my jaw dropped at his size. Andy had noticed my reaction as he chuckled "Don't worry darling, i'll go easy, at first" he said while unclipping my bra and slowly pulling my underwear to the side. "God you're so wet, all of this is for me? I didn't know you found me this hot and sexy" he said winking as he inserted himself.

I let out a moan as he slowly pushed himself in and out. He kissed and bit down my neck. He began to pick up the pace as he groaned in my ear leading me to become wetter and wetter "OH- ANDY" i screamed as i felt as my stomach was pulsating due to his huge size pounding into me. "You can be as loud as you want baby this room is soundproof" he grunted as he began to quicken his pace.

"OH FUCK ANDY YOURE SO BIG" I felt a knot form in my stomach as i began to tighten "You're so tight baby, let it all out" he moaned in my ear as i began to orgasm. I felt Andy fill me up as we both rode out our orgasms. "Oh god y/n you're amazing." Andy said as his thrusts began to get sloppier. Our lips interlocked passionately as we both finished. He pulled out and passed me my clothes which were scattered across the floor and began to dress himself too. "Next time, don't be late." He said as he winked at me and smacked my ass. I bit my lip as he kissed me one last time. He opened the door. "I'll see you Monday. Don't forget the homework."

"I won't..Sir" i said giggling as i left the classroom still trying to process what had just happened. DID I JUST FUCK MY TEACHER??!?!!? MR BIERSACK?!?!?

Oh my god Mary is going to freak when she hears about this. I headed out to the parking lot where Emma was still waiting for me. "Hey what took you so long? Why is your hair so messed up? You didn't....sleep with him?" she said with a shocked expression plastered across her face. I nodded as she screamed "WHAT" "SHHHHHH, keep it down" i whisper shouted as i scanned the parking lot to make sure no one heard us. This is crazy. I wonder what will happen if i don't do Mondays homework? Guess we will find out then....


words: 1287

A/N: this is my first real story sorry if its bad. there is most likely going to be a part 2 for this story but if there is any specific story's you guys want feel free to comment and i'll try and get back to you asap. 🤍

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