19. Let the Games Begin.

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A KNOCKING AT THE DOOR encouraged Trixie's head to raise itself from where it was buried in her book. 

Her head peaked over the high backed couch; eyes watching as Emma moved to answer the door.  She couldn't get a clear view of the visitor just yet, and she had yet to take out the earphones that were quietly playing, therefore making it hard to hear the voice of the person at the door. 

The earphones only got removed, and the bookmark returned to the pages, when Trixie noted Emma gesture the visitor inside. 

Standing, Trixie greeted Jasper with a smile, before walking over and wrapping him with a hug. 

"Hi, Darlin'." Jasper whispered, the smell of lavender encompassing his senses. 

The two in their bubble stayed within each others embrace for a short while, completely oblivious to Emma's loving gaze. 

After they parted Trixie moved away from him, turning towards her Aunt,  Trixie shyly gestured to the stairs. 

A silent request to go up them. 

Chuckling, Emma nodded, "But keep that door open!" She teased as she watched the two disappear from sight.


"Darling, how do you feel about baseball?" Jasper queried, his hands raked through brunette curls, his chest rising with simulated breathing as Trixie rested her head on his chest, her book from earlier held in her hands as she lay curled up beside him. 

Sitting up, Trixie returned her bookmark to the pages. 

'Baseball?  To be honest, I don't really care for it.'  Smiling almost apologetically, Trixie moved herself to a cross-legged position, her entire focus on the boy in front of her.


"Well,  there's a storm coming later this afternoon, and we thought you'd like to watch. You can't play unfortunately, baseball's flying into human hands at  great speed and force, doesn't really end well." 

'Well, it would be nice to watch Emmett's ego be a little bruised.'  Trixie smiled wide, giddy. 

Jasper grabbed Trixie's hand and placed a delicate kiss to her knuckles, before kissing her quickly once more on the lips. 

Moving towards the bedroom door, Jasper turned back, "I'll see you soon, my love."


The rumble of an approaching vehicle caught the attention of the human first. 

Edward and Bella had arrived.

Jasper had made it known to her that the Swan girl would be coming, and as much as Trixie had decided to try make amends with Bella, a small part of Trixie still preferred not to be within the same environment as the un-coordinated teen.

 Apart of herself, that she had to remind, that the two of them were in the same position. They knew vampires existed, in a strange way, they were all the other had. 

"Bella, glad you're here, we need an Umpire - Trixie's counted herself out because she wants to 'remain neutral.'" Esme greeted the new comer, ultimately breaking the small conversation between Trixie and Rosalie a few metres away. 

Trixie's name didn't go un-noticed by Bella, soon chocolate eyes were soon searching the family of vampires before they made contact with familiar hazel. 

How long has Trixie known?

Just before she could move to question the girl, Bella was intercepted by a jovial Emmett. 

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett excused, tossing a ball between his palms. 

"I know  you cheat." Esme fired. 

As the mother and son duo continued to joke about, Bella moved away and sought her opportunity to approach the, now alone, Rivers girl.

"How long have you known?" Bella questioned, her gaze set on Trixie unwaveringly. 

The smaller of the two stepped back slightly, making herself smaller under the harsh gaze. Straightening her shoulders, Trixie attempted a content smile.

'A couple weeks.'  Trixie's hands were slow in their movement as she mouthed along, attempting to communicate to the vocal teen. 

Sending Bella a more confident smile than before, she excused herself back to Jasper's side. 

Wrapping an arm around his waist, his arm made a home across her shoulders - just because she knew the family well, they still intimidated her slightly, so she experienced no shame in seeking comfort in Jasper. 

A rumble of distant thunder and a flash of lightning made Trixie stand straight; like a solider called to attention. 

"It's time!" Alice announced, smirking.

Trixie parted from Jasper once more; settling at the base of a tree that was positioned behind Esme and Bella - considering the fact that Trixie doubted if her human eyes would be able to see if a player was in or out, Trixie opted for the more neutral position of audience member. 

This way she could cheer everybody on and stay on everyone's good side. 

The umpire position seemed stressful, especially as it was human eyes determining the results of a vampire  game. 

The ball was pitched and the crash of the aluminium bat rung in Trixie's ears. 

With her back pressed against the bark, Trixie watched with interest. 

Let the game begin. 


Just a little peace before shit hits the fan - metaphorically speaking ;)
- Grey x 

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