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It was nearing 5am when a college boy was scrolling through his phone as he had been awake all night, a notification popped up on the boys phone that made him stop scrolling

T.minhosaurus posted a photo

He clicked quickly, excited to see the post.



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T.minhosaurus: Good morning world

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Han jisung smiled to himself softly at the post, not liking or making his presence known just smiling knowing that his all-time crush wakes up the time that he usually sleeps. He laughed softly at the realisation but decided to just shut his phone off and get some sleep before his 8am alarm to wake him up for college.

3 hours later and the boy heard the aggressive ringing of his phone waking him up, he slowly opened his eyes groaning as he was still extremely exhausted but just decided to push through it and wake up and sleep again after college or during it, it wasn't important to him anyways.

He pulled himself into a sitting position and turned off the horrible beeping noise, he slowly got out of bed to get ready for the day. He pulled on a black hoodie and blue ripped jeans and his converse before going to eat some food.

He grabbed a banana and read the note his roomate left on the fridge:

Hi Jiji!
I've already gone to college, I have to hand in an early project, I'll walk you home promise
Lixie <3

He smiled softly before opening his banana and eating it quickly as it was almost 9 and he had to be at college by 9:30.

He ran to his room again to brush his teeth and wash his face before grabbing his backpack slinging it over one shoulder before almost running out of the front door to college which was a 25 minute walk away.

He arrived at the convenience store close to the college at 9:20 and decided to grab something for lunch, mainly for his friends because they always complain that he doesn't eat during lunch.

He went to the snack section to grab something when he saw the one and only Lee Minho with his friends grabbing some coffee, he didn't know why he reacted so much to seeing the boy when they share some of the same classes but thankfully nobody noticed him as he made a weird noise and ran out the store, or he thought nobody did.

He knew his friends were going to be upset at him during lunch but that's something he could deal with, however interacting with Minho outside of class is not something he could deal with.

He got to his classroom at 9:27 and sat next to his seat mate and best friend Lee Felix Yongbok, "hi Jiji! Why do you look so embarrassed?" Felix asked caringly laughing slightly at the boys flustered cheeks. Jisung didn't reply he just put his head on his desk to cover his red face.

Felix just laughed at the boys antics deciding to ask him about it later as the class was filling up with students with the teacher following closely after.

Jisung tried to pay attention but he felt himself falling asleep as he listened to his teacher talking about the most boring stuff, luckily he was at the back of the room and the teacher didn't notice him sleeping right away, but someone else did.

He woke up around 45 minutes later to Felix shaking him, "C'mon Ji we have 25 minutes of this class left can you pay attention to the last bit" he asked gently sounding apologetic, Jisung looked up and saw his teacher staring at him so he knew Felix was asked by the teacher to wake him up.

He sighed softly before sitting up and the teacher continued to teach, Felix softly whispered to Jisung, "sorry Jiji she asked me to wake you" Jisung just smiled and nodded at the boy making him feel more relaxed as his best friend wasn't annoyed.

Jisung was bored but didn't want anymore attention drawn to him so he decided to look around the room and when he looked over to the desk of the guy who stole his heart, he didn't expect the boy to be looking right back at him.

Jisung's eyes widened as he quickly turned to look away from the other boy, Minho giggled softly earning a glance from the teacher and Minho just bowed his head slightly to apologise.

Jisung held his head in his hands feeling embarrassed from maintaining eye contact with the other for a small amount of time, Felix looked over to his best friend concerned, he tapped him on the shoulder softly making Jisung look up.

Felix tilted his head to the side slightly to ask what was up but Jisung replied with a simple, "later" and Felix accepted that answer and went back to writing his notes.

Eventually it was lunch time, Jisung and Felix were walking over to the cafe he and his friends usually eat lunch at, not often buying foods just drinks as Seungmin says "there's nothing healthy here so its not good for lunchtime".

"So what happened to you?" Felix asked simply as they were walking, Jisung laughed before explaining, "well this morning I saw honey and his friends at the convenience store and I made a weird noise and ran straight out of it because I was embarrassed."

Felix laughed as well, "that explains the first time your face was flushed but what about the second time during class?" Felix already knowing the answer as he saw Minho looking over at Jisung for most of the class.

"Honey and I held eye contact for like 2 whole seconds!" Jisung replied cheerily, Felix laughed softly, "congrats Ji that's longer than last time where you almost cried after having eye contact for 0.2 seconds" Jisung lightly hit the arm of his sunshine twin acting upset but eventually laughing at the ridiculous situation as well.

They arrived at the cafe and sat at their usual table where the other three of their friends waited, "hi Ji, hi Lixie!" Hyunjin greeted cheerfully as the two sat down, "hiya Jinnie" Felix replied with the same enthusiasm, Jisung just nodded his head "hi hi" he said simply.

"Your late" Seungmin said rolling his eyes, everyone chuckled softly at the boy, "we were strolling because Ji held eye contact with honey for two whole seconds!" Felix replied jokingly, everyone laughed at the response before Jeongin spoke up, "you and honey held eye contact for two seconds Ji, that's gotta be a record" Jisung rolled his eyes but nodded his head.

Everyone fell into a comfortable conversation as they began to eat their food and drink their drinks, Felix noticing that Ji didn't have any food so shared his with him like he usually does, Seungmin and Jeongin sharing an eye roll over the boys diet.

A short while later, Minho walked into the cafe with his friends Chan, Changbin and Juwon. Immediately Jisungs table shut up their conversation and all eyes were on Minho's group who were ordering.

Jisung's face flushed, "he's never been here when we've been here.." Jisung whispered to his group who nodded in agreement, everyone began silently eating while Jisung was low-key freaking out.

Around 5 minutes later, Minho and his group were looking for a table until Minho's eyes landed on Jisung and he smiled to himself before leading his friends to their table, "hi, can we sit with you guys?" Minho asked softly, even if he had never eaten lunch with them before he wanted to get to know the group better, especially one quokka looking boy.


Omg first chapter done! I've had this idea for ages but I've only just gotten around to writing it what do you think?

Also Juwon is just a name I found on Google not referencing anyone in particular-- he may or may not be that important hehe.

Happy reading!

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