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May - 2022

Spring brought back to Korea the beauty of flowers and pleasant weather for a walk, people took the opportunity to ride bicycles and have picnics in the parks and of course, take their Littles to get some sun. And BTS was no exception to this.

After the success of the Las Vegas tour, the group headed home for a few weeks of rest (well-deserved). And the seven boys could finally breathe a sigh of relief after finding out what was wrong with Hoseok and showering him with love and reassurance.

Now a week after they were home, they decided to go out for ice cream and celebrate Jin's hand cast removal. Everyone was happy that their Hyung had finally completed his recovery. And of course, the happiest of all was Jungkook for being able to be carried by his daddy and play with him without worrying about hurting the older man.

Before leaving, however, Yoongi started to pack a small backpack with some supplies for the Littles, because even if the Little were in their adult version they could regress by surprise. And they weren't ready to reveal their rankings yet, so some precautions were needed. And the rapper was anxious about not having things under control.

"Daddy Yoon, can we take Chi-chi?" Jimin asked as he entered the room with the yellow teddy bear in his arms. He and Jungkook were still Littles, but they already knew they would have to be big soon.

"Not today, duckling". Yoongi spoke with a heavy heart upon seeing Little's pout, he had to use all his self-control not to give in to the cuteness in front of him. "How about you pick a smaller toy?"

The Little was thoughtful, but he ran to his and his Caregiver's room with a smile plastered on his face again.

"Daddy Yoon, I want paci". Now it was Jungkook who entered the room, he approached the rapper with tears in his eyes.

Yoongi cooed a little to the baby in front of him and took the Little in his arms, leaving the room he went after the iron man's red pacifier, and found it on the kitchen counter. As soon as he took the pacifier, Jungkook sighed happily and closed his eyes. Smiling, Yoongi went looking for his Hyung, he needed to finish packing and with a baby in his arms would be difficult.

It didn't take long to find Jin who was a bit frantic because he had lost sight of his Little.

"Thank God you found him". The singer spoke and took his Little in his arms and kissed his forehead tenderly. "The front door was open and I thought he left".

"Oh God, where are Hobi and Jimin?" Yoongi asked worriedly.

"Namjoon and Tae are with them. It was my Little who was lost". Jin chuckled, but it sounded a little forced, he was still scared by the possibility of one of the Littles running through the open door.

"Okay, I'll finish packing some snacks". Yoongi spoke and sighed a little more peacefully. "Can you let the others know we are leaving in 30 minutes?"

"Sure". Jin spoke and went looking for the others Caregivers and Littles.

The thirty minutes became almost an hour, but finally the seven men left the house, they were talking loudly and smiling with their parallel conversations. They had decided to go to a nearby park so they wouldn't need the car. As they were in a slightly more insolated place, the park wasn't very crowded and they decided to lay a towel on the green grass.

"Can we play?" Jimin asked Namjoon as he looked at the open space in front of him. He was big at the moment, but the Caregivers could feel and see that their Littles were a step away from Littlespace.

"Of course, but what is rule #1?"

"If I become a Little, I must notify a Caregiver". Jungkook spoke with his bunny smile.

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