beast skk meet normal skk

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TW: this fanfic has mentions of suicide and alcohol if you are sensitive about that stuff I don't recommend reading this

Start: July the fifth 2024

Beast Chuuya's POV:
"It's time to go home.." I thought. I just had to finish some documents. Just one more to finish, and then I can go home; I checked the time; it was 3 am. Maybe I do need to get some sleep. I stand up after finishing the documents. I headed home; I was pouring myself some wine until suddenly, I felt dizzy. I poured myself more wine and drank it. I was about to take off my scarf and
Beast Chuuya: Wait, where am I..? There's wine and alcohol all over the table.."
I thought. Then I heard a sound.
??? : "Chuuuyyyyaaaaaa~! I'm home."
Then, I heard the voice. It sounded familiar, but it was impossible. He's dead. It can't be him.
Dazai: "Chuuya, I like your scarf. Red looks good on you."
Beast Chuuya: "It can't.. no.. impossible.."
Dazai: "Chuuya?.. Are you alright? Are you sick?"
I felt his touch reach my face; he couldn't be alive.
Dazai: "Chuuya, are you sure you're alright? You're acting weird."
Beast Chuuya: "Don't.. DON'T TOUCH ME!"
dazai:chuuya, are you sure you're alright? You're acting weird
beast chuuya:don't..don't touch me!
dazai:chuuya, are you ok?
Beast Chuuya:Where.. where am I
dazai:You're home??
chuuya:Oh dazai, your home
dazai:Wait, there's two chuuyas?
I suddenly looked between the two people in front of me one which seemed to be me?, and the other was him I couldn't believe it I felt something not adding up though if there were two of me why weren't there two of him
chuuya:Uh, are you alright?
daze:he's been acting like this ever since he teleported here
chuuya:That scarf looks familiar -
suddenly, someone teleported into the room
...??:Where am I?
I looked in the direction where the sound came from, I couldn't believe it, it was him I couldn't forgive him for what he did
Beast Chuuya: "You..."
Beast Dazai: "Oh..hey chaya"
Dazai: "Wait, that outfit and scarf look so familiar."
Beast dazai: "Look, chuuya..let's talk about this."
Beast Chuuya: "What's there to talk about?! about how you left me for no absolute reason and committed sewerside?"
Beast dazai: "chuuya, look I...Did it for a reason"
Beast Chuuya: "FOR WHAT REASON, HUH!?"
Beast dazai: "Chuuya, I can't tell you."
Beast Chuuya: "Of course, you can't. You can never tell me anything."
Chuuya: "Let's settle down now."
As Chuuya and Dazai were trying to stop the fight, I just couldn't stop. I was so angry, at least I think I was not sure how to feel I had mixed emotions it was like I was a lost child trying to find their parents I just missed him so much but also hated him I just wanted him to talk to me not say 'I can't tell you' I don't know why he couldn't tell me was it something I did or was I just overthinking it
Beast dazai: "Chuuya, there's a reason I can't tell you if I could. I promise I would"
Dazai: "Wait, you committed?"
Chuuya: "he said that before."
Dazai: "Oh.. I wasn't listening. "
I watch as Chuuy Nudges Dazai. I wish I could have that with my dazai, but he's dead, or at least I thought, because if he was, he wouldn't be in front of me,
Chuuya:"uh chuuya are you calm?."
I nod as I look at everything that's happened at this very moment
Beast dazau:"chuuya, look i-"
Beast Chuuya: "Forget it; there's nothing to talk about."
Dazai: "Maybe just let him talk?"
Beast Chuuya: "Why would I? I am the port mafia boss. I don't have to let him talk if I don't want to."
Chuuya: "Well, you're not in this universe."
Dazai: "Chuuya, let's leave them alone."
I watch as they both leave the room, only leaving me and him
Beast Chuuya: "Dazai, look, I don't think I wanna do this anymore."
Beast dazai: "Do what?"
Beast Chuuya: "This. I'm so tired of having all this responsibility you left me. I can't decide whether I should keep going or just not."
Beast dazai: "Then just do what I did."
Beast chuuya:"no, I can't do what you did, unlike you, I can't run away from my responsibility because it's my job to handle it,but its too much for me."
Beast dazai:"I know, I know chuuya. I'd love to tell you why I did what I did, but -"
Beast Chuuya:"But what dazai!? But what? Is that all you can say?!."
I wouldn't dare let him talk. I didn't want to hear any of his excuses just like he would make up excuses when he was alive. i just got so tired of him
Beast chuuya:"Just shut up. I'm so tired of your excuses."
Beast dazai:"But I'm not making up an excuse. I'm telling the truth. "
Beat chuuya:" If you're really telling the truth and not making an excuse up, then tell me what the reason was."
Beast dazai:"chuuya, you know I can't tell you."
I just wanted to leave. There was no point in talking to him if he just kept saying the same thing over and over I don't want to keep looking at his face maybe I should just leave but I don't want to leave him after all I did miss him but I was still mad at him but I just couldn't believe he was in front of my eyes I wanted to cry or hug him but all I can think of right now is just how much I wanna strangle him well I can't now because he's already dead
Dazai:"maybe I can calm them down a little?."
Chuuya:"no you'll make it worse like you always do."
Dazai:"you know if there wasn't aother version of us from aother universe fighting I would literally start yelling at you."
Chuuya:"I want to strangle you right now."
Dazai:"Oh trust me the feeling is mutual."
Chuuya:"Let's just focus on them right now."
Beast chuuya:" dazai, you know how much it hurt me when I found out you died?"
Beast dazai:"I didn't think you'd care..."
Beast chuuya:"dazai, when I found out I went on a full on rampage, basically destroying all of yokohama."
Beast dazai:"Oh..I didn't know.."
Beast chuuya:"OF COURSE YOU DIDNT KNOW!you spent your entire life thinking nobody cared when there were alot of people who did, you just pushed them away."
Beast dazai:" chuuya, I know.."
Beast chuuya:"You knew?"
Beast dazai:"yes I did."
Beast chuuya:"then why did you act so rude to push them away?"
Beast dazai:"you really want to know? Well it's because I didn't want to get hurt again.."
Beast chuuya:"again?"
I felt surprised but also kind of not,data always seemed so lonely like he wanted to have some friends but in a week they would leave him he had no trouble with them leaving I just had no idea why I guess he just always wanted to be alone
Beast chuuya: "what do you mean again?"
Beast dazai: "It's not important.."

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