14. Change in plan

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The first half of the movie went on for a while

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The first half of the movie went on for a while.
I couldn't concentrate on the movie. There was a nagging feeling in my chest. I couldn't get that smirk of my mind. His face when he saw me looking at him.

I didn't know what to think about. My mind went to the time when he kissed my neck.
Was he looking at me with the same when he kissed my neck.

I try not to think about it. I'm not an insecure person. I have never been.

I have never been insecure, when my classmates call me weird, accusing me of stuff that's so embarrassing, it's almost horrific.

But I didn't mind any of it, they were never important.
But he is.

I never wanted him to, but when I looked at him I wished I never did.
He made me insecure.

I try to get that thought out of my head. That's not me.

I drank some water, to clear my thoughts.
Fuck, that's vodka.

I coughed, Liz looked at me. I shake my head indicating it's nothing.
What The fuck is this doing here?
I glared at aleister.

He was already looking at me, a small smile on his face. This seems almost genuine.
It does something to heart.

What the fuck is happening to me?

I drank so more of it, to clear my thoughts. A little burn came to my throat.
I heard a laugh.

I look at aleister, who was barely holding on to his laughter. I glared at him.
The fuck he finds funny now?

"Why the hell, do you have this here?" I asked him as he shrugged but Liz said "real, right? I had my orange juice every time but he always had water. I also don't get it" Liz made a face.

My glare turns hard on him. His face had a small smirk.
So that's why he sat far from Liz.

I put down the vodka as aleister said "how do you think I go through this movies. Orange juice makes me sleepy" He said the last part to Liz.

He is good.
No, he is really good.
And I thought he saw this movie for the millionth time as sober as he looked.

My bad to think he was just thirsty.
I huffed a laugh.

The whole movie end, and aleister almost finished the bottle of water, that holds vodka.
But guess what, he didn't even look a bit drunk.

Liz was happy when the movie ended.
It felt like days and the movie was not ending for satan's sake.

Not gonna lie it was a great movie, like the ones I saw when I was a kid. I'm just not into it anymore.
I looked at aleister, he seems almost happy.

I know it's more about the fact that, the movie ended.

"Okay, now we will watch my choice of movie" She said happily.
"Didn't we just right now?" Aleister playfully glared at her.
"No we didn't, it was V's choice" She also glared at him playfully.

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