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Adeline exhaled heavily as something tired to wake her up. It had been the third attempt that she had waived off but the imposter wasn't backing away. Instead, now she had started to feel little tickles dancing down her neck, eliciting a moanful giggle out of her.

"S...sstop," She gasped and opened her eyes while pushing the force away. It took her a second to realise the ball she was fisting was someone's thick hair and that hair-full head was stuffed into the crook of her neck. She felt teeth nibbling at her skin, flicking and stroking by a long, hot tongue. The intruder momentarily teased her length of her soft flesh and she gasped. As the intensity of sweet torture started to grow wild, Adeline hitched and moaned louder.

"I'm up, I'm up," She tapped onto his shoulder and it was then that mountainous head broke away from her neck and flashed her a sly grin.

"Rise and shine, my sleepy koala," Adeline shot him a playful glare and pulled the duvet from beneath him. Kieran was about to peck her nose when she turned her head away and squeezed her eyes in order to pretend sleeping. An amusing chuckle coaxed out of him as he flipped next to her and put his hand below the side of his head while giving her a naughty steep-eye.

"I see someone's planning to spend the whole day in bed," His words suggested a subliminal message behind it.

"Yes, because someone brought someone home late last night," Adeline grumbled through her pillow. Kieran grinned shrewdly, snaking an arm beneath her and tugging her close, causing her back to press against his muscular bricks. Kieran leaned closer to her ear and sucked her earlobe.

"I would have let you sleep if we had spend the night right," He smooched a slew of kisses down behind her ear and exhaled hotly against her skin. "Wake up, love, nobody is sleeping anymore, not at least for a week," Adeline sighed, gave him a narrow-stare and slackened to fall asleep again. Kieran dazedly watched her cute face from above and eventually lost himself in her beauty. As the time kept walking by and Adeline kept pushing herself to fall asleep but she failed. Defeatedly, she huffed and opened her eyes to throw an accusatory stare at the culprit.

"Stop staring at me like that, I can't sleep," Kieran's smile widened.

"Didn't I not tell you we have a wedding to attend?" Kieran feigned confusion. Adeline did her best to suppress her smile but her lips curled despite her resistance.

"Oh really, I don't remember you telling that. In fact, I wasn't invited to any wedding," Adeline replied in same energy as his. Kieran squinted his eyes and smirked.

"Hmm...yeah...really, you weren't invited," He slightly nodded through his amazed expressions and leaned down his head to her side-profile. Adeline bit her lip and burst into giggles when he started tickling her again. His fingers erupted funny sensations inside her stomach. He scrubbed his beard on her ticklish spot over her neck. Adeline had gone into fit of laughter for a good moment.

After setting her throat on fire, he retreated, putting sweet, butterfly kisses over her cheeks as she calmed down from the sweet storm.

"Now you remember?" He whispered in her ear and she nodded like an enthusiastic kid. "Good. We have a big day, love. Don't make me take you to the church like this, I can't wait no more," He mumbled between his wet smooches. Adeline inhaled deeply and flipped to face him. Blinking her eyes recurrently, she glanced at the clock and then back at him, her eyes narrowed as a thought hit her head.

"It's not good for the groom to see the bride before wedding, it brings bad luck," She mumbled with tainted cheeks. Kieran was told her caretaker had instilling this practice in her mind since her childhood, he knew it was coming.

He breathed peacefully and roamed his gaze over her beautiful face.

"The groom couldn't resist," He shrugged while burning holes in her lips. As he began bending to her lips in a predatory manner, Adeline pulled up covers to her lips. Before Kieran could growl like an animal and attack her, a loud thump of the door settled in the air, bringing both of them out of trance.

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