Needs After The Deeds

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Kieran had a shower and wrapped himself in formals as he stepped out of the guest room. Zacarias was in lounge, on call, when Kieran made his way toward the exit. Zac observed him with a scowl overtaking his features.

He immediately cut the call, "Off to somewhere?" And cared to enquire him. Kieran halted in his steps, turning to him.

"Home," He answered, wearing suit jacket.

"Don't tell me you are not celebrating tonight," Zac scoffed, inwardly taken aback by his dedication of becoming a family man.

"Can't. Lina needs me," Kieran replied, taking his phone out as it buzzed. Zacarias snorted in mischief, the woman had actually wrapped him around her tiny fingers.

"Can't be serious, Kie, and stop calling her that, it's awful to my ears," Zacarias was unsettled by the fact he used this nickname to call her aunt.

"Ahan? Where's Mirella?" Kieran asked, consumed by his phone, not bothering to look up. Zac pursued his lip and inhaled deeply, averting his eyes away to the canvas of an Egyptian lady. Her name had sparked discomposure in his stance.

"Somewhere she should be," Zac chugged his drink and turned to the bar to fetch a cigarette. Firing it up, he angled back to Kieran who was still very much engrossed in his phone.

"What's up?" Zac couldn't hold back. Kieran fumed and glanced up.

"Callahan and their tantrums," Kieran rolled his eyes off the screen and glanced at him, frankly irked.

"Let me guess, she wants to make up for her incompetence," Zac chuckled, enjoying the bored look Kieran wore on his face, affirming his suspicion.

"Tell me if she's still threatening you or begging you?" Zacarias sneered as he puffed out a huge cloud of rings. Kieran's typical stoic look intensified, that prompted a laughter out of Zac. "That slut better be begging for sucking cock,"

"I'm done with her bullshit. Handle your mess," Zacarias waved his hand with a pfft.

"Oh, you don't worry about it. She is all mine to handle," Zacarias' eyes blazed in scorching fire. "I'll love to see that bitch fall," Kieran casted him a last glance and nodded his head before leaving.


Her heart bled every time she remembered the gruesome moment taking place before her eyes. Her father's lifeless eyes staring at her and Enrique's chuckle, the flashback drilled holes in her brain. No matter how many hours had passed, she still couldn't recover from the trauma. The man she accepted as her husband stooped low to an extent where he blurred all basic, humanistic morals. Had he been a womaniser, rapist or violent partner, she would have dealt with it, there would have been a line to forgive him but killing her father? That was above her capability.

Tears propped down her eyes as she continued to sob her heart out. Daisy had been on her feet, rubbing her back, from the moment they brought her upstairs. She tried consoling her for hours but nothing was working. Nothing was cutting down the guilt and remorse in Adeline's heart. Absolutely nothing was working to ease this ache.

Mando strolled in the hallway, hearing her cries from the past three hours. He had been posting Kieran about her condition minute by minute. By the tone of his boss' replies, he concluded Kieran wasn't happy about it, if anything edgy and worried. He was immensely concerned since the moment he learnt about the tragedy. Kieran was still an hour away from home but he had given instruction to Mando to comply by, which was why he returned to her room with a tray of fruits and an apple juice.

Adeline snivelled and steadied herself, wiping tears, as Mando made his way toward her. He noticed her chin wobbling and her body trembling due to both weakness and ache.

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