1st outing after 3 years confinement

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I don't have the patience to act till their guard is down.

I know myself better now. If I don't take the first chance I get to escape, I will get used to everything like it is my comfort zone.

  I can't get used to this lifestyle.

In the evening, the house guard informed me that I have to visit the first brother's room.

  I wonder what he wants. Regardless, I went there anyway.

  Inside the room, my 3rd brother and 11th brother were also there.

  I don't know what is happening but went inside.

  I sat on the sofa next to my 11th brother, least insane person as per me.

  My first brother informed me that I could have dinner outside with one of my brothers.

  I was thrilled at that opportunity that I was presented so soon but kept my poker face that I was used to.

  He asked me with whom I want to go out with.

  I replied, I want to go out with my 11th brother.

  My 11th brother cuddled me, " am I that desirable to you?"

  'Yeah, out of all 11 brothers.'

He continued, "but you can't go out with me. Other brothers are sad that you don't choose them at all."

  'Fuck, I wish I could go out with you. But these brothers are insane in some way'

  After a long contemplation, I have choosen to go outside with my 3rd brother. He hated me before but feels happy if I give him any kind of attention.

  My 3rd brother was excited and booked an appointment for dinner at 8 PM.

  I was told to get ready for dinner.

I left to go to my room.

  -- inside the first brother's room

11th brother was still inside while 3rd brother has left to prepare for the outing.

  11th brother asked 1st brother "first brother, you should know that Yun is excited to go outside but for escaping. Why did you still let him go?"

  He gave a knowing look, " you see, I know that he is excited to escape but if I don't even give him this chance, he will become dispirited.

  I see signs of him becoming some emotionless robot. I certainly do not want that."

  11th brother pouted, " I know that but you are sending him without any monitoring. There is only our house guard who would accompany him outside. "

  1st brother replied, " I found something about him. I informed 3rd brother to observe him. The house guard will also monitor him . "

  11th brother contemplated a little and had a sudden thought, " you mean he could be someone special like we are? "

  1st brother nodded, " yes, but Yun hasn't realised it yet. So, he needs to go outside with 3rd brother. I think he needs to know about it "

  11th brother nodded, "fine, I hope he comes back to this home again" as he was patted on his shoulder by the 1st brother

"no worries, I informed 3rd brother and house guard, even if it takes some days, Yun will return to this home"

-- Yun's room

I packed a diary, a pen and a pair of clothes in a small bag available in my room.

  I am prepared to escape at the first chance I see. I need to escape to some village near the mountain so I can live anonymously.

  I knocked on the 3rd brother's room.

He was dressed up nicely with so many layers. He looked at my plain choice of dress.

  "Yun, it is cold outside. Wear this sweater "

I extended my hand as he helped me wear the sweater.

  He asked me, "what is in your bag?"

I replied, "I took a pair of clothes since I could spoil the dress with the food. I plan to eat hotpot or something spicy and it could get messy "

He seems to believe my excuse and took a car key.

  We went outside. The house guard took the key.

  He was driving. My third brother pulled me to sit on his lap. I could only comply with him.

I couldn't wait to get out of this home.

== To be continued.


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