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Two years ago...

Sade and Deji could be seen standing close to an ancient oak tree, one of the town's numerous landmarks, also their usual meeting spot.

"I'm pregnant Deji" Sade blurted out with a hoarse voice as she fiddled with her fingers.
Twenty year old Deji, eyed Sade vaguely. Perhaps he had heard wrongly or her voice was just too croaked.

"Come again dear, I couldn't quite hear you" Deji requested, his lower lip caught between his teeth as he stared at Sade intently.
"I said I'm pregnant Deji" Sade repeated, her tone higher. Her eyes were fixated on Deji's face as she awaited a response.

Deji scratched his head nervously. He looked flustered as his eyes darted back and forth trying his best to comprehend Sade's bombshell news. He just couldn't comprehend it.
"You're pregnant Sade?" He asked, his tone laced with disbelief and a hint of aloofness.
Sade eyed him suspiciously as a sense of dread instantly consumed her. She suddenly felt uneasy.

"Yes Deji I'm pregnant" She said for the umpteenth time. Her eyes searched his for some sort of emotion, but it was futile as his face reflected an impassive cold look.
"I'm not getting rid of it again," She added, already familiar with his tactics.
"You said we would keep the next pregnancy. Deji say something!" She yelled in unexpected anger, her voice laced in reproach.
Deji shrugged nonchalantly.
"I'm just twenty years old. I'm obviously not ready to be a father, Sade. Be considerate for once" He said with so much accusation lingering in his voice. Sade saw red.

In an instant Sade's right palm found its way to Deji's face. Hitting so hard, he ejected saliva from his mouth. Her eyes were crimson red as she glared at him with exasperation.

"I'm the inconsiderate one?! I've had three abortions for you, you ingrate. What do I get in return? This?" Sade spewed, like a once dormant volcano now active.
For the first time, Deji's brown skin had a visible red mark, the imprint of Sade's five fingers. His eyes shot lasers and daggers at her. Suddenly, a sinister smirk surfaced on his face.
"Have fun explaining to your 'Christian' parents how you got pregnant and how there's not even a father, you hoe!" He hissed contemptuously, his voice laced with venom.

Sade's insides twisted and turned. What she had feared had finally come to life.
She looked at him in panic, her palms sweaty.
"Don't do this to me.." she whispered helplessly. She tried to touch him but he recoiled like she had the flu.

"If you come to your senses and get rid of that bastard in your stomach, you know where to find..." He started but instantly paused as if struck by lightning.
"What the hell am I saying? Don't ever talk to me in your miserable life again. And if you ever get close to me, I'll kill you and that thing in your stomach" He said his nose scrunched up in disgust.

"Please Deji, you don't want to do this to me. You love me" Sade begged, latching onto the collar of his shirt with a tight grip.
Undeterred, Deji yanked Sade's hands off him and pushed her away, causing her to fall on the ground with a thump. Deji began to leave.
"No!" Sade shrieked defeatedly, her hands in the air as she watched Deji's back slowly fade away.

On the cold sand, Sade laid. Feeling hopeless, vulnerable and lost. Where was she to start from?
The oak tree stood witness to Deji's harsh betrayal and Sade's rejected pleas.

Sade could be seen before an old abandoned kiosk sitting on a dilapidated bench. She barely escaped the title of 'a mad woman' considering how unkempt she looked and the ever present ooze emitting from her. Her hair was in knots, her fingernails overgrown and a dirty brown. Her skin was dry and scaly and her dusty legs were empty.

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