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                                                            ~𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄~

The day before the ball was an extremely anxious time for Ophelia. It wasn't like she wasn't used to them; she had had her fair share of parties. This one was different, though. She was to be one of the main focuses of the event. That she had never experienced before. It would almost be exciting, if not for the fact that she and Darian would be presented as a couple for the first time.

Perhaps the whole ordeal would not be so nerve-racking if she and Darian had actually spoken since they met, but he always seemed to find a way to get away. No matter where she cornered him, he always slipped away. It didn't make sense why he would want to avoid her, and she couldn't even ask him why.

Ophelia let out a frustrated sigh, causing her handmaiden, Theodora, to stop doing her hair and turn to her. "What's wrong? Did I put too many flowers in?" she asked, worriedly examining Ophelia's hair. 

"I told you we should have gone with a tiara instead!" Flora, another maid, said tauntingly, waving a ruby encrusted crown in Theodora's direction.

Theodora looked at her in annoyance. "Just because you hate flowers doesn't mean that we can't use them."

Flora rolled her eyes. "If we use flowers one more time, I am going to bash my head into a wall until I get a concussion, bleed out, and die."

Ophelia looked up at that. "Wow, that's kind of graphic." She turned to Theodora, grabbing some more flowers out of the basket. "You didn't put too many in, keep going." Theodora hummed happily in response and continued with her work. Flora turned to a wall, only to be called out of the room to decorate the Great Hall for the festivities to come.

"And...done!" Theodora said, placing one last flower in Ophelia's hair. She then put a mirror in front of the princess and allowed herself to admire her handywork.

Ophelia's hair was done in an intricate style with red chrysanthemums braided into it. "It's beautiful, Theodora. Thank you. The flowers really are a nice touch. They really go with the dress." Theodora beamed proudly next to Ophelia, basking in the praise.

Theodora and Ophelia's heads snapped up at the sound of the door opening and Evelyne barging in. "OpheliahaveyouseenmydressIcan'tfinditand-" she stopped speaking, looking at Theodora's blank face and Ophelia's confused stare.

"Slow down, we can't tell what you're saying." Ophelia said, examining Evelyne's panicked expression.

Evelyne took a deep breath to clear her mind and said, "Have you seen my dress? I can't find it anywhere."

Ophelia and Theodora exchanged glances. "No, we haven't. Did you check the maid's work room?" Evelyne looked at Ophelia incredulously. "Why on earth would it be there?" she asked, looking to Theodora for an answer.

"Because, Evelyne," Ophelia began, emphasizing her sister's name for dramatic effect, "You ripped the sleeve yesterday and they needed to fix it."

Ophelia stifled a laugh at Evelyne's sheepish expression. "Oh, yes. I forgot." Evelyne left, embarrassed at herself for acting so foolishly.

As Theodora and Ophelia were about to resume their conversation, the clock struck 9. It drew both girls' attention, and Ophelia could feel her stomach dropping. The ball would begin in 30 minutes.

Theodora offered her a small smile. "Well, we best get going now. You wouldn't want to be late to your own party." she joked, trying to lighten the mood. Ophelia mustered a weak smile, trying not to fixate on having to be around Darian all night.

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