Je t'aime

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Me, Kayla, Maxine, AG, Jocelyn, and Luna were outside the lake at FTRS talking about stuff while waiting for Jax, Ollie, and Jack. Right now Luna was chatting about some business she was going to go on in a few days in her kingdom, which is Heaven and Hell.

"The demons don't attempt kill the angels anymore and they actually feel more comfortable in hell with the laws the council has created." Luna chirped happily. I smile, I love it when she's proud of doing things to make everything fair. She has the uncanny ability to see in a different perspective on people which helps settle arguments.

Suddenly she snaps her gaze at me. "Gilly, truth or dare?"

I look at her, confused. "What? We're playing that now?"

"Yes, now answer the question."

"Fine, dare." Luna and her sisters, Phoenix, River, and Sky said that I have never in my life chosen truth and claimed that no one in the family was ever to beat my record.

Luna smiled mischievously at me." I dare you to tell Jax 'I love you' in any language of your choosing."

"... Truth."

Kayla and Luna gasp.

"The Gillian Afton-Cross," Kayla started.

"Has broken her record." Luna finishes dramatically.

I groan as a pang of embarrassment hits me. I will not break my record no matter how ridiculous that sounds.

"Fine!" I said as Maxine and AG squeal.

"I'll say it in French, but on conditions." I know many languages thanks to Miyaki, the goddess of Wisdom.

"Well then spit it out, Cobbler." Jocelyn sneered. She still called me that even after she found out my last name. I don't mind.

"You all can't tell him what I said and someone has to cover for me to escape."

Luna nods." That makes sense, I only asked you because I want to see him wonder.=, and I'll cover."

"Look, here they come." Maxine points.

I turn my head and see Jax's corn colored hair and violet, handsome eyes looking at me. Wait a sec, handsome? Nope, he is not handsome. No no no no no no no, No.

I feel a small part of me betraying me because it disagrees, ugh.

"Go do it right now." Jocelyn hissed.

I roll my eyes and stand up. I walk towards Jax.

"Jax, I have something to tell you." His eyes widen slightly but he remains in his posture.

"What is it?" He asked.

I stood on tippy-toes because he was so tall and whispered in his ear. "Je t'aime."

He looks at me in confusion." what."

"Oh fuck!" Luna panics as she begins to race toward me.

"Gilly, I forgot we had to meet Miyako and Miyaki at Flora's office!"

I put on a look of horror on my face, rule number one when being tutored by Miyako and Miyaki. Never be late. They are patient, kind, and nice. But time is everything to them.

Luna reaches me and grabs my hand and we both start to race to get inside the school. I look over my shoulder. "Sorry! I'll see you all later." And we sped off leaving Jax standing there, dumb founded. 

People, I'm sorry if y'all didn't like it, but I'll try better!

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