Use your heart, not your eyes.

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As the weekend sets in, Sanemi is finally looking forward to a peaceful day ahead. It's Saturday, which means that school is out for everyone, and the teachers get to take two days off from their laborious routines, He plans to spend the day cleaning and cooking, followed by a relaxing TV session with his affectionate boyfriend.

This simple routine brings comfort to Sanemi, as there won't be any interruptions from Genya or any other over-enthusiastic friends. Tengen is away with his wives, and there won't be any unexpected parties to disrupt the calm ambiance. Obanai, on the other hand, is likely to be with Mitsuri, searching for her presence whenever he gets the chance.

"Mr Shinazugawa~"

Sanemi stands at the counter, holding a rag in his hand, while his boyfriend Giyu clings to him like a koala. Giyu's arms are wrapped tightly around Sanemi's waist, like a comically large backpack, as they stand together. Sanemi has become used to Giyu's clinginess, as it has been a constant feature of their relationship. Perhaps it's because Giyu is not the best at starting conversations or maybe it's because he has never been in a proper relationship before. Regardless of the reason, Sanemi knows that he has a lot to do today and it does not involve giyuu hanging off his back

"sorry to bother you, nemi.." Giyu muttered into his shoulder, drawing out the last syllable of his name. Sanemi was already in a bad mood this morning and didn't need any unwanted company. "What the fuck do you want, yuu? Can it wait until after I'm done cleaning?" he barked, trying to break free from Giyu's iron grip. Despite his struggles, Giyu remained unmoved.

"Your so mean nemii, why are you so mean to me~" He whines into his neck, breath warming his skin, Sanemis ticked off and on his remaining nerve trying to shrug off his unwanted company whom he happens to call his lawfully wedded boyfriend.

In a state of aggression, he flips himself over pinning giyu to the island counter behind, meeting him eye to eye, invisible eyebrows arched in a curve. He leans in towards his ear mumbling lowly "You wanna tell me what the fucks gotten into you today?"; shivers are sent down the latter's spine, He gulps down the lump forming in his throat wearily.

"I..I just wanted your-"Before the latter could finish speaking he was locked into a feverish kiss, the clash of tongue and teeth erupted a low groan from both parties; It was passionate but heated, the taste of earliers breakfast still hot on their tongue and for a minute..Sanemis aggravation is replaced with love..

Unwavering love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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