I Went In Vacation And Ended Up In My Own Creepypasta

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Recently, I took a week long paid vacation from work.

That's something I haven't done in a very long time.

You see, I get 5 weeks paid vacations a year. I usually just cash them in at the end of the year, that way I have a good amount of money for Christmas.

Anyway, paid vacations are just one of the perks of working for the company I work for, for as long as I have.

Now, due to company policy, I can not mention the name of it  on any form of social media. But, a lot of people that work there used the code name, "Snack Kitty". So, we'll go with that.

Okay? Alright! Movin' on!

Now, I was getting burnt out at work, doing the same thing, day in and day out. I realized that I needed to get away for a while, to clear my head, relax a little, and then go back to work.

It did not work out that way.

You see, for some unknown strange reason, I've always wanted to get in my car, and drive for three hours straight, making left and right turns onto random backroads, getting lost, not knowing where I was.  

At the end of the three hours, find the nearest town, stay there for a week, then use Google Maps to get me home.

So I did.

After I got off of work, the night before I left, I went to the bank, pulled out a couple thousand dollars for a hotel room, gas, food, and to have some spending money. 

I went to the gas station, filled up, and checked the fluids in the car.

When I got home, I packed an old duffel bag full of clothes, and a travel bag with my shaving kit, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, and things of that sort, and put them both in the backseat.

The next morning, I woke up, got dressed, made a huge travel cup of coffee, grabbed my wallet, my keys, my phone, as well as my phone charger, put them in my pockets, and then headed to the car.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, turned on the Bluetooth, connected it to the car, went to YouTube, and put on my playlist of my favorite Creepypastas.

You see, I listen to a lot of different narrators, but my favorite is The Riot Horror. He has a very unique voice, and reads the best stories.

You guys should really go check it out.

Anyway, I set the timer on my phone for three hours, started the car, put it in drive, backed out of the driveway, and began my journey.

The first 10 minutes or so, I knew exactly where I was, as I've drove those roads a million times.

But after that, I had no idea.

I just kept driving, making random left and right turns.

I came upon a road called Dead Mans Lane, at about the 2 1/2 hour mark.

It reminded me of that old 50's Jan & Dean song, "Dead Man's Curve"

I love 50's music, especially Doo Wop Music.

Today's music just sucks, the 90's and 2000's sucked as well.

The late 70's and all of the 80's had some bad ass rockin' songs though.

I got into hair metal for a while.

Anyway, the 60's and early 70's were all about drugs.

Which is something, I DO NOT do.

But, 50's music had it all. It was fun, relatable, rhythmic, and easy to dance to.

There are songs about EVERYTHING!

I Went On Vacation And Ended Up In My Own CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now