12 - A Zombie and A Human.

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Two years ago.

K. Aren

I fed up.

On this side of the world.

Fed up being the always who stands still in the end, without any serious injuries nor loses in his dictionary after another opponent lying defeatedly on the ground.

Up till now, there's no one I could beat their ass and they are the ones who stand on my feet at the moment.

In the end, it is always me.

The victory is all mine.

And I started to grow bored of it.

Maybe other people would say something different. But, not for me. I need to be defeated by someone. Who is stronger than me.

In my last year of middle school and still there's no one appears to win after having a brawl with me within the fight they kick themselves in.

I need someone to break loose from my always standing up victory. Someone who is stronger and better enough to put an end to this maniac kill.

I once heard someone say if you ask for the heaviest wish, you will either get the easiest way or never at all.

Guess I will never trust what they say anymore.

Heavy God's spit splattered everywhere on the flat black tar, beside my empty cements on the bridge while everyone's blaring a strong, harsh gaze toward my slump body leaning on the railings bridge.

Bruises ruined the whole perfect body of mine like those tattered pieces of clothes sewing by too many unsuitable fabrics. Such a blemish leftover on the blood stained after the rain did some job to wash it without even asking for some permission. 

I scoffed, unbelievably chuckle leaving from my lips after the wishes finally granted and here I am.

Even zombies look better than my look.

Kinda looks like some crazy psychotic assassin being chased out by his own troupe after the betrayal from the top management.

Hope Pops and Mom didn't see me here.

But I am too tired to stand right now.

Under the violent rain aguishly to grave my whole body entirely down to the earth, I believe this is just a angel goose who try to flapping her wings to cover up my whole existence from decease.

I believe so just now the jealousy rainfall soaking my clothes, and now the jealousy rainfall yet to get its ways to spark the spills on my body.

A see-through parasol hanging on my head, protecting me from the waterfall spilled by the gray clouds. Rustling sound of the clothes pick my curiosity to head up to look at who is wearing the white hallow on their head.

"Are... you dead yet?"

A brush of cold air against the shell of my ears.



She flinched. "I'm sorry! It's just... you look so worn out. You will get in trouble if someone on patrol sees you in this state."

Of course they will.

"Do ... Do you need some help?"

I can't really properly catch a grasp of her face because of the swollen eyes on both.

Guess the longsightedness is already getting on me. I need to go to the optometrist later and buy the glasses so I won't mistake a road lamp with a promoter anymore.

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