15. The Club

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So it turns out, the party is today

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So it turns out, the party is today.
Whoever this Dimitri orlov is, we are going to find just now.
But I don't know how.

I don't even know why are we doing this. I tried to ask aleister. But It didn't work out, not one bit.

It's fucking stressful.
So now I'm on my way to the club. Dressed in literally the shortest thing the shopkeeper could find.
And let me tell you, it was all aleister.

I didn't ask or pay of anything. This whole plan and idea is him.
I can't believe it but it's happening.

I am going to spy on someone. Like on a real person. I brain was buzzing with thoughts.

Trying to figure out what I'm going to do when I get there.
And I hope it's all music, in the club.

I can tolerate loud music, but the loud voices of human beings, let's just say that doesn't end well with me.

And fuck, it's not helping that Aleister is looking at me from side eyes.
Does he really think I cannot see him?

I can feel his gaze roaming around my whole body. Up and then down.
Goosebumps came to my body. When I again feel his gaze. Again.

Henderson- whatever his first name is- is driving and we are on the back side of the car. A thin black wall separating us.

Prince Charming isn't saying anything. Neither am I. We are just sitting here. Now I can't even think of the plan.

Thanks for nothing, prince Charming.

I sigh and Aleister looked at me. I looked at him. Our eyes locked.

"What?" I asked. "Nothing" He turned his head forward.
He seems big for this car.
I noticed.

He turns towards me. "What?" "Nothing" I said this time.
There was an awkward silence for a moment.

"Soo, what am I supposed to do?" I asked looking at him. "Do anything, just get the information about what parts he play for the mafia"
I nodded.

The silence went on for a while.

An idea clicked in my head.
"Yes" I said as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I've got a plan" I smirked.
"But you have to do something"
"What?" He asked.

"We have to make our 'relationship' public" He frowned at me. "Why?"
"You have to trust me on this. Just wait and watch"

This is going to be fun.

"Don't fucked up" His voice deep sounding as if he is annoyed.
"Yeah, Yeah" I waved him off. This plan is going to work.

I am not letting myself die just like this. This whole plan about me spying is absurd. So for me to die is not a breaking news. Me coming out alive is.

The world is about to have the breaking news.

Just then, he grabed my neck from behind, applying pressure.
Ok, I can't breathe.

From, VeronicaWhere stories live. Discover now