16. Mine

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"Nobody will hurt you darling" He assured me with a smirk

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"Nobody will hurt you darling" He assured me with a smirk. "But no one can do anything about him" "I can"

"No you can't, it's not like you are also in the mafia" I fake hiccups. "Do you have low tolerance in alcohol?" He asked clearly ignoring my question.

Fuck, he is tough to break.

"No, I'm not drunk" I said with the drunk voice. "So do you want to drink more?" He asked. "No aleister said I shouldn't drink much" He made a face but ordered another drink.

I couldn't think of anything.
What am I supposed to do now?
Think Veronica, think.

The bartender bought another two drinks, he passed me one and I gulped.
Why the fuck it's whiskey again.

"So darling, do you want to go somewhere?" "No I can't or otherwise aleister would kill me" I said again to make him annoyed.

"He won't" He said clearly frustrated.

Short temper huh, will lead you to your dead bed.

"He will and no one will save me" I pouted. "I will save you okay, just come with me" He said fastly and looked irritated.

"You can't" "I will, ok. I. will. " He almost screamed. My heartbeat has become faster.
Get a grip. I inhaled.

My body heat raising.
Get. A. Grip.

I pouted at him "but you can't, he is very powerful" "I am more powerful than him ok, I'm the member of the world most powerful mafia, the serpents. Do you get it now darling. Let's go, now" He screamed at my face. And grabed my hand.

"But he is the leader" I whined again "and I'm the right hand, now cone with me" I tucked my hand.
Yes, I did it.

But I panicked. I try to move his hand but fuck he was powerful.
Why does the earth have to spin in this moment. I groaned.

I tucked me. Again. Itchy feeling came to my body. Why is he blushing so much, his face is soo red.

Now the world is spinning again. And why are people moving this fast.


Why is this guy sleeping in the floor? I'm the sleepy one I should sleep. I stare at the man sleeping, ohh it's Dimitri.

I giggled, such a funny man.

My giggle stopped.
Why is aleister on him?
WHAT are they doing?

He can't do that, Aleister is mine!

I marched towards him but falter in my steps. I was about to fall but someone pulled me up.

What is aleister doing to him?
Is he punching him??

"We should go" I heard someone say, the world is spinning again.
Did I drank something?
I don't remember.

From, VeronicaWhere stories live. Discover now